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Isekai Restaurant

Disclaimer: I own nothing

Chapter 6: Reunion


- Silas -

We walked out of my Restaurant and I would be lying if I said I wasn’t surprised. The area looked nothing like before.

The entire place was surrounded by high walls. Talismans covered every inch of the wall and not a single empty place could be seen. It was as if it was some sort of a bunker. 

Although the part which bothered me the most is that I couldn’t tell who exactly it was protecting, us….or the world.

I had heard that the number of curses had increased drastically in the area and that everyone was doing what they were to protect this area but I was not expecting something like this.

The most surprising thing was the large gym-like facility and the rooms surrounding the place.

“Alright, let’s go. Show me what you got.” Gojo-san asked me.

“What is all this?” I asked, looking around the place

“Just some quick fix for the damage done to the place last time. Now this place could take your practice without giving out.” He shrugged. “Alright, see follow me. Let’s see what you can do. See those dummies there, attack them with your new Cursed Technique.”

I looked towards the place he was pointing and those were indeed dummies.

I nodded.

“Let’s gooooo! Nii-san. Blow that dummy up.” Naruto cheered from behind me.

He was always excited about this.

Sakura was also watching quietly.

I drew the knife, the same I had used to fight.

This thing had changed back last night and Tohru hadn’t come today so I couldn’t ask her what exactly it was.

I took a deep breath and held it in front of me and concentrated on the dummies.

The shape didn’t change but I knew that I didn’t need it to change its shape. My technique could be used anyways.

Chop.” I swung my knife in a chopping motion and sure enough the dummy in front of me was cut in two.

I aimed towards the second dummy and made my next move “Julienne.”

The dummy fell to the ground, chopped into thinly sliced sticks.

With every swing of my knife, a dummy fell.

By the time I looked back everyone had different kinds of reactions.

Sakura was smiling.

Naruto had a starry look in his eyes.

Gojo-san had a wide smile on his face.

And Nanami-sensei….he was looking at me and the dummies alternatively with a shocked look.

“So all those are the names of your techniques? How many did you awaken?” Gojo-san asked.

“Eh? Not really. I think I only have one technique. I basically consider the battlefield as a kitchen and the knife movements are the same ones that I use in my kitchen. Those are just the names of the cuts.”

“Oh. So your technique sends invisible cuts to anything in its path then?” He asked, walking up to the dummy and checking them. “Rare but not unseen. In fact, I know of someone who can do something like this too.” He touched the dummies and said.

“Hmm, I don’t really send any slashes….or at least I think so. Also I don’t cut anything per say.” I interrupted. I knew what my technique did. It was something which became evident to me when I was fighting last night.

Maybe the only thing that was obscuring it all this time was the seal.

“Oh! Then what do you think it does?”

“It….I think it cuts only what I want to cut.”

“Excuse me?”

“It just cuts what I want to cut. For example, Slice.” I lifted my knife and waved it towards another dummy with an armour of some kind and the entire armour was cut in two and fell to both sides of the dummy.

There were no cuts, not even a scratch on the dummy itself.

I knew this because when I cut those monsters last night, I made sure not to harm the boys who were attached to the monsters.

That’s why I was able to assure Tobio that I hadn’t hurt any one of them.

Gojo-san disappeared from his place and appeared near the armour dummy….which was currently without any armour.

“No marks. The dummy is completely unharmed. Alright, now for another test.” he stood up and faced me. “Attack me.”


“Well you heard me. Attack. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” He laughed.

“Are you sure?” I asked, hesitating a bit.

“Hahahaha it’s fine. After all, I am the strongest.”

The corner of my lips twitched a bit at the man’s shameless bragging.

“Alright then, here you go. Slice.” I aimed, only wishing to cut off his skin. Not his body completely.

His face changed as he raised his head and pulled up his sleeves to show us a line of cut on his skin. He then looked at me. “Were you aiming for just my skin?”

I nodded and he looked back at his wound again as it healed almost instantly. “Well, I take back what I said, Silas-kun. Your Cursed Technique is not rare….it’s absolutely one of a kind. Care to help me with a few more experiments?”

“Eh, okay.”

“Alright, try it again. Try cutting me again.” he asked, opening his blindfold.

“Umm okay.” If the guy himself wanted to get cut, who was I to deny?

Nanami-sensei did tell me that he was a master of the Reverse Cursed Technique.

I waved my knife again and this time he disappeared from his place and appeared in another place.

He lifted his sleeve and this time there were no cuts.

“So your attack can be dodged. It’s not like a Domain. It does have a time lag. Does it travel through obstacles? Alright, keep it up till I tell you to stop.”

I nodded and began to swing my knife at a faster speed.

I was training in martial arts with the Ryozanpaku Masters and eating my special food everyday and….I was even a devil so my physical abilities were more than a normal person. Not to mention my knife skills which were a reward from my Restaurant System. I could make over fifty cuts every second with extreme precision.

And this guy was dodging my attacks, disappearing from one place to another.

Not to say that he was completely uncut, I could see a few cuts on him….or at least I think I did because they disappeared as soon as they appeared. 

We stopped after five minutes.

“Alright, that’s enough. So, I figured out your technique.” He lifted his hand and waved at me.

“It does travel in some way as the more distance I had from you, the more time it took for you to hit. The difference was not much, around a fiftieth of a second for a fifteen metres distance. Pretty fast I think but I think you could go faster when you use more Cursed Energy and your movements increased. We need to work on your attack speed and martial arts more so that you can use your ability to your fullest. I still want to check a few things if you are up for it.”

“Okay.” I nodded.

After one and a half hours of testing my new Innate Technique, we went back to my Restaurant and I learned some more things about my technique.

“Still, this is a very good technique. Perfect for any Sorcerer.” Gojo-san commented as he ate a spoonful of pudding and brightened up.

“I think this is a perfect technique for me. I can make so many dishes with this.”


“Make dishes….”

“Hmm obviously. I am a chef after all.” I smiled, earning me a loud laugh from the man.

“True words. Anyways, I came here to inform you three about a few things. As you know the current situation is quite bad, with the increase in the number of curses and all that. There has been a change in the school administration. The previous governing body….retired. So there will be a bit of time before you all can visit the school.”

Naruto jumped in excitement.

I guess not going to school was always good news for him.

“Buuuuuut no need to worry. We will be bringing some of the students here to meet you all. Be respectful to your Senpais. As for me, I need to be out for a while. There are a few curses which need to be exorcised.” His face changed a bit when he said the last part. I will keep dropping by when I can but you won’t be able to bask in my awesomeness as much as you want. Alright alright, I know you are sad. Anyone would be. I am awesome after all.”





“Anyways….I need to go to the Dojo now. Good bye.” I excused myself as the white haired man pouted.

- Natsume Minagawa -

“Where the hell are the reinforcements? Why haven’t they arrived yet?” She cursed as Gryphon blocked another monster from jumping at her and threw it away with a gust of wind.

Originally more people had arrived but others had returned with the three people who were chasing Tobio and were defeated by some onmyoji according to Tobio.

She knew he was lying and it was probably the devil but since Tobio didn’t say anything, she didn’t either.

The Devils and the Fallen Angels were enemy factions and she didn’t want to point them towards someone who had just saved one of her classmate’s life.

The rest of the members took the boys back to investigate further as these were the first ones they had captured alive.

Tobio was laying behind them, the injury on his leg aggravated. His Sacred Gear was fighting off things which were trying to harm him but they were barely keeping up with the help of their newest addition, Magician Lavinia.

“There are too many of them, we won’t be able to fight them all. We should leave and find a place to hide.”

“They know of our base. We cannot go back there.” Lavinia replied while raising a huge wall of ice between them.

Suddenly, Tobio spoke from behind them. “We….we could go to Silas-san’s place.”

Her neck snapped in his direction. “You’re not serious. That guy is a devil. Sure he saved your life but who knows what he would do. Haven’t you heard the stories on how bad devils are?” She shouted.

“Not all devils are bad.” The one who answered was surprisingly their newest companion. “I work for the Grauzaberer Magician Organisation which is run by Mephisto Pheles. He is one of the oldest devils alive and has been nothing but good to me.”

Tobio, as if finding some courage, also replied. “Yes. Silas-san….is a friend. If he wanted to harm us, he could have done so earlier. He didn’t and instead helped me. See….I have known him for a while now. Even Sae-chan knew him. He will not hurt us. And as for the stories, Fallen Angels were not exactly the good guys in those either and yet here they are helping us.”

She opened her mouth to argue but couldn’t find any valid reason to deny.

The wall of ice surrounding them was cracking and some monsters were trying to climb above it but were pushed off by Gryphon to the other side.

If the wall breaks, they will soon be overwhelmed.

“Tch….let’s go there. We are already at a dead end. Gryphon!” She commanded as it used a massive gust of wind to push the monsters away from the wall and as if just waiting for this, the wall crashed, directly falling on the monsters below, crushing several of them under it.

All three of them made a run for it.

She hoped for once that Tobio wouldn’t be wrong about the Devil.

- Silas -

I reopened my shop the next day.

Last night the training with the Masters of Ryozanpaku had been extremely exhausting.

Those people wanted to see how far they could push my body and they were not the kind of people who ever held back.

I lost my consciousness thrice and was brought back by Akisame-sensei.

And perhaps the strangest thing in all this was that I was feeling fine after a good night’s sleep.

Is this because of my Demon Heritage?

Who knows?

The first was as usual Saitama.

I noticed that he looked particularly glum today.

“What’s up Saitama?”

“Ah Silas….” he sat down in his usual seat and sighed. “I…sigh.

“Did something happen?” I asked.

“I….I lost the last strand of hair on my head.”



I could have laughed….but I didn’t. No.

Saitama was my friend….so I forced my laugh in an awkward snort.

I patted his shoulder. “Don’t mind. There are several people who spend so much time keeping their heads waxed. You are getting all that for free.” I reassured him.

“But I don’t want to!”

“Hahahaha don’t mind the details. You know what? I will bring you your favourite, all on the house.”



At this time the door to the Restaurant opened and a blue haired girl entered, staring at us and as soon as the door closed, it opened again, revealing a large man in a black suit of plate armour.

“Silas, Saitama.”

“Silas, Saitama.”

Both of them said at the same time.



Both of us were surprised at the same time too.

“It’s me, Mikami.” The girl said.

“I am Suzuki.” The man spoke at the same time.

Even the two were stunned and looked at each other in surprise.



After a full hour of explanation, I found myself staring at my familiarly unfamiliar friends.

“So you got into a game and were transported into a whole other world….in your game character? Damn that’s wild.” Mikami or rather Rimuru said.

“And you were stabbed and transported to another world, how is that any different?” Suzuki or rather as he is called now, Ainz complained.

“I mean I kinda died and was reincarnated….well you get the difference.”

“No no, I don’t get the difference.”

“Still, three of us four suddenly became something else. Only Saitama is a normal human now.”

“It doesn’t matter. We are friends.” Mikami cheered everyone by bouncing on the chair in his slime form.

All of us smiled at this.


We are friends.

“By the way Suzuki….I mean Ainz. I have a question.” Saitama raised his hand.


“Now that you are a skeleton, what do you eat? Also, if you eat Bone Soup, will it be cannibalism? And do you poop?” Saitama asked, curious, making Ainz facepalm while both Rimuru and I burst out laughing.

“I do not need to eat anything. And what do you mean by cannibalism?”

“And poop?”

“Obviously I don’t need to poop either! What would I even poop, bone powder?” He bristled before a green light flashed around him and he calmed down.

“Alright alright calm down.” Rimuru placated Ainz and looked at me. “By the way how did your world suddenly turn into a Supernatural one?” Rimuru asked me, diverting the topic quickly.

I shrugged. “The hell do I know. As far as it looks, the supernatural world always existed, they just kept it hidden from normal humans….or maybe it was just me due to my….well you know.”

“But still, it’s crazy. You were chased by pokemon and pokemon trainers.” Rimuru spoke seriously.

“They were not pokemon. He didn’t keep them in pokeballs.” I interrupted.

“That doesn’t prove anything. Ash doesn’t keep his Pikachu in the Pokeball. Still a pokemon. And you said it was a dog which came from an egg. Only Pokemon do that.” Rimuru countered and I was completely speechless.

He did make a fair point.

“He might not have a pokeball.” Ainz pointed out.

“Ohh. I mean what’s the possibility of him not knowing how to use a Pokeball?”

“Nah….Nobody can be such a noob.”




Well yeah.

“Well not Pokemon then. Thankfully you had learned magic. Still, it was quite dangerous. You should be more careful. Who knows what else is there in the outside world.” He put a hand on top of a jug of water and blue liquid poured and filled the whole thing. “This is a Full Restore Potion. It can heal any injuries, even regenerate limbs and damaged souls. You should keep this with you in vials. We never know when we might need something like this.”

I stared at the liquid in front of me with my mouth wide open.

“Rimuru is not wrong, Silas.” Raising a hand, Ainz spoke as several armour and weapons appeared on the table, creating a large stack. “You shouldn’t go around unprepared. Before this, your heritage was under a seal and you were not recognised by anyone but you said that that girl recognised you as a devil in a single glance and was cautious, even a bit aggressive. Thankfully you were inside the Restaurant and not outside so you should take measures when you go out next time. These are some weapons and armour for you. Later I will send some Pleiades as guards here.”

“Umm….thank you?” I said looking at the armour. How would I act lowkey when I walk around in these?

“What are these Pleiades you talk about?” Rimuru asked the question which I was meaning to ask.

“They are the battle maids who protect Nazarick.”

“Maids! Ainz, you have maids?” Rimuru asked, surprised.

“Umu. I am the King of Nazarick now. Obviously I will have maids.” He nodded proudly.

“So… are you rich now?”

I believe I saw a smirk on his bony face if that was even possible. “I have more gold than everyone in the room and the room itself… together.

“Holy fuck! And here I was living in huts made by dwarves. Ainz is paying for everyone today.”

“Hmm, hmm. Ainz pay.” Saitama nodded as well.

“Very well. Today’s bill shall be paid by me… Ainz Ooal Gown.”

I smiled. “Well, today’s food was on the house as we were celebrating Saitama going completely bald today.”

“Hey! That’s not something to celebrate.” The man in question bristled.

“Umm….then we can celebrate you saving all that shampoo cost from now on.” Rimuru suggested.

“Well….that does sound goo….no hold up a bit!”

We all burst out in laughter at his reaction.

It was a strange scene. A bald hero, a talking skeleton, a slime and a devil walked into a restaurant… I can make a fucking joke out of it.

And yet, even in this strange scene, I felt strangely normal again.

I got up to prepare everyone’s orders and looked at the three of them, especially the annoyed looking Saitama and the two who were teasing him. “Well look on the bright side, Saitama. Now all three of you are bald.” I laughed and ran away, leaving all three annoyed and shouting.

Ainz showed everyone the pictures of the maids. He had even programmed those maids for us. It was only to shoot a promotional video but talk about a coincidence.

Rimuru was fanboying over the maids while Saitama seemed almost interested but was keeping them company nonetheless.

Sakura was out to do some shopping as it was still early so I carried over the food to them.

“Ahhh, I missed this taste.” Mikami or rather as we know him as Rimuru cheered. It was hard to know where his eyes were but his voice conveyed his emotions quite clearly.

“Oi, Suzuki… ah, I mean Ainz, can I take your share?” Saitama said, eying his plate.

Ainz in reply picked up the plate and we saw in wonder as he cut the meat and took a bite and the food just disappeared in his mouth. It didn’t just fall down on the chair.

“You liar! You said you couldn’t eat.” Saitama shouted pointing fingers at him.

I don’t know why but that bony face seemed a little smug at the moment. “Correction. I said I don’t need to eat. I never said that I couldn’t. How do you think I use potions?”


Rimuru and I burst out in laughter looking at Saitama’s dumbfounded face.

It was a strange scene. 

We sat there and ate together as the door to the Restaurant opened again.

It was Miu and Naruto. They were going to school and I had offered to cook them a bento each as Naruto was hesitating to go to school.

Safe to say both of them agreed. In fact, I was going to prepare some for Touma and Cid too as they made it a habit of taking bentos from my Restaurant everyday.

It was a good prospect so I agreed too.

Generally Tobio would be included in this group as well but I don’t think he would come today.

But there was something which all of us ignored.

“Aghhh! Ghost. Miu Nee-chan, Nii-san, there is a ghost in the Restaurant.” Naruto jumped and hid behind Miu.

The girl herself looked scared.

I facepalmed while Ainz looked a bit abashed while Rimuru was rolling and laughing in his place.

Saitama had a look of schadenfreude.

“He is not a ghost, Naruto. Don’t be afraid. Also, you are learning to be a Jujutsu Sorcerer, how can you be afraid of these things?” I tried to calm him down.

It took several minutes of explanations to make them believe who he was.

“Eh! Suzuki-san and Mikami-san?” Miu quickly bowed and apologised and made Naruto do the same.

Finally, assured that Ainz was not a ghost, Naruto pranced around looking at him from all angles.

“Hey hey Ainz-ojisan, are you really a skeleton now?” He asked, curiously.

….I had a weird sense of deja vu.

“Then do you eat? And can you poop?”

“Naruto!” Miu scolded.

“Pfft ahahahaha I can’t take this anymore.” Rimuru burst out once more.

I cracked up too.

If a skeleton had lips and they could twitch then it would have looked exactly like Ainz’s look right now.

A green light washed over him and he relaxed and patted Naruto’s head with his skeletal fingers.

“Yes, I can eat and no I don’t need to poop. Everything is taken care of by magic.”


Well well, would you look at that?

Ainz can be a softie too.

While I went in to prepare their bento’s Naruto played around with Rimuru who was using different forms to play with him. Saitama and Ainz just watched everything on the side.

As I was cooking, several other people came in.

Touma was the first followed by Cid and then Kisuke-san.

Zeref was next and he was followed by a red haired woman in a witch’s costume.

The man came directly to me and bowed, apologising for the events of that day.

I let out a sigh.

He was actually trying to help me and he did so by implanting whatever it was that he did in my body so that my body could produce Demonic Power and survive.

“You don’t need to apologise. If anything I should be the one apologising. You saved my life that day and I….was extremely rude to you. I am sorry for that. Please have a seat. Let me treat you both today.”

They sat down and I quickly made something for the two of them and severed them.

It was probably the first time that I had seen someone cry after eating a meal….literally.

The red haired woman with Zeref was actually shedding tears as she ate the food in front of her.

I brought some more food for her since she looked like she hadn’t eaten in years.

Meanwhile, Touma was meeting with Rimuru and Ainz.

He had known the two so he recognised them after they introduced themselves.

Cid was with him, listening to their talks.

Next to come in was Tohru.

She hadn’t come yesterday, maybe scared or embarrassed about that day’s incident.

“Umm b-boss. About that day. It’s….I didn’t know that you didn’t know….I….”

I let out a sigh.

“It’s fine. I was just taken by surprise at the information and overreacted. You don’t need to feel sorry. Just that from the next time if you see or find something odd, make sure you inform me in private about it.” I rubbed her hair and her tail swung, her face brightening at my words. Seriously, this girl was adorable.

“Anyways, get ready and get to work. There are customers waiting for their orders to be taken. I will go and prepare the orders.”

“Yes Boss!”

She saluted before looking over my shoulder and staring.

I followed her gaze and found that she was looking at the red haired woman who also seemed to have stopped eating and stared at us.

“Is there something wrong?”

“Huh? No. I just didn’t think there were any more dragons in the Restaurant.”


“Yes. Her. The red haired woman is a dragon.” She pointed towards Zeref’s companion.

“....oh. And?”

“Eh, nothing. You just told me to tell you anything I found in private.”

 “....alright. Anything else?”

She came near my ear and whispered. “By the way boss, that blue haired girl is a slime or at least smells like one and that undead sitting with him. They look suspicious. Do you want me to take care of them?” She conjured a flame on her hand.

“No no no no. They are my friends. Don’t mind them. In fact, those two were humans before and became like this later on. They are regulars of our Restaurant.” I quickly explained to the trigger happy Dragon girl before she went throwing firebreaths everywhere.

“Oh. It’s fine then. I just thought they looked suspicious.”


I looked at the two….they did look suspicious.

At this time Sakura also returned from her shopping and paused at Ainz’s form.

I was about to explain to her before she was surprised but she didn’t even react to him and walked towards me.

“Are there new guests, Silas-san?”

“Ah….” I looked at her open-mouthed.

Really….just that? Nothing else?

Not even a yelp?

There is a literally walking talking skeleton lord eating cake on the table for fuck’s sake.

Even I was more surprised than that when I first saw his skeleton face and that was after he explained everything in advance.

“Well….technically they are old customers. They are Mikami and Suzuki. It’s a long story. I will tell you later. Anyways I think you have already seen them.”

Meanwhile Rimuru and Ainz watched me talking to her but didn’t say anything.

“Oh! I….am sorry, I  didn’t recognise them.”

“No no, don’t mind it. None of us did.” I waved it off. “I even had to ask some security questions to verify.” And I call myself a good friend of theirs.

She looked at the  two of them and bowed politely and the two awkwardly waved back. She then turned towards me. “I will go and change quickly.”


She walked back upstairs and as soon as she was gone, I fell a tug on my side and was pulled to Rimuru’s table.

“Is this a thread?”

“Steel thread.”

“And you spit it out? I thought you turned into a slime not, I don’t know….spiderman!” I pointed, looking at the thread.

Steel threads.


“Don’t try to divert the topic Silas. Now out with it, what going on? Are you….living with a girl? Also, who is that waitress with the horns and tail? Saitama told us she was a dragon. Are you living with two cute girls while we two were stuck with different worlds? Hell I even got a Great Sage Skill because I was single for almost forty years. I thought we had a pact dammit.”

“What pact? Why don’t I know of this pact?” I asked, confused. “Also, Tohru is the same dragon you guys were there when we removed that sword from her back. She wanted to pay Naruto and me back for that day and is working as a waitress here.” I explained.

“That….that dragon became this cute girl?”

“You are a slime and you can become….this….are you a girl or a boy?” I asked, realising I didn’t know that.

“Not the point!” He quickly waved off the topic. “What about Sakura-chan?”

“She….things happened.” My face darkened as I remembered the incident. “Her adopted family was….let’s say unlikable and leave it at that.”

The two noticed my look and became quiet.

“Were they hurting her?” Rimuru asked and I noticed the red in Ainz’s eye becoming brighter.

“Hurting is not a good enough word for what they were doing.” I explained the situation to them briefly.

“Is that Zouken guy alive?” Ainz asked, casually but I had known Suzuki enough to know that he was pissed.

Even the usually emotionless Saitama was sombre.

He didn’t know about any of this as he wasn’t here when Sakura was treated.


“Tch. Lucky bastard. I would have given him to one of the floor guardians to play with and then made him a Death Knight to protect Sakura-chan for the rest of his life.” He clicked his….tongue? And said.

And although the rest of us didn’t understand any of his words, we understood his sentiment.


A few moments of silence prevailed over the table and Rimuru was now feeling a bit awkward and broke the silence.

“Still, Silas is now living with two extremely cute girls. Ainz, say something.”

“Well….” The skeleton suddenly fidgeted and all three of us zoned in on him. “I….also have female members, especially the guardian overseer Albedo….and well….”


Son of a bitch.

We suddenly realised that this guy was living with cute maids and hot girls all around.

Saitama was uninterested as usual but Rimuru looked at both of us with hung jaws, as if questioning reality.

“Why! Silas I can understand but Ainz….you don’t even have a….” 


The guy banged his head on the table in depression as both Ainz and I looked at each other. It was quite hard to make out the expressions on Ainz’s face but he was looking partway between smug and offended.

In a sense, it was understandable.

While he was understanding all wrong, I was still living with Sakura and Ainz had….well whatever he said but Rimuru on the other hand had just lost someone close in his world.

I couldn’t see his look so I decided to drop in a bit of good news. “If it’s any consolation, Shizuka-san comes over sometimes and she even asked about you….thrice.”

Suddenly all his depression flew out of the window and he looked up at me, inches away from my face. “Really!”





Weren’t you depressed just now?

But I realised that he had successfully diverted everyone’s mind from our grim moods just now.

I talked to them for a while before I had to leave to cook.

“Alright, you guys talk. I will go and prepare the orders.” I got up, leaving the three to have fun.

Just as I was about to walk inside, the door to the Restaurant opened again.

This time however the guests were unexpected.

Tobio and two blonde girls came rushing inside their….NotPokemon behind them.

All of them paused looking at Ainz and Rimuru, especially Ainz and then the girl in the lead shouted.

The bird with her got in front of her protectively but didn’t attack or even try, probably too intimidated.

Ainz did look like a character straight out of a B Grade Horror movie so it was understandable and so I barely stopped myself from facepalming.

Was this going to be a regular thing?

“Ohh, is this the Pokemon guy?” Rimuru jumped from his seat, looking at the dog and the bird carefully.

Tobio limped to the front first, “Please let us stay here. Those monsters… they are…” he huffed but I saw that the sprain on his leg was worse now.

He didn’t get to stay much as we heard a loud thud on the wall of the Restaurant. There was no damage to the restaurant but the sound of the nearby houses being attacked was easy for us to understand.

Do these bastards not care about the life and death of the neighbours at all?

I looked outside the window to see over a dozen of those monsters trying to break in. The other customers looked outside too.

“What exactly are those?” Touma asked.

“Those are Pokemon alright.” Rimuru commented.

“They are… our classmates. Some people kidnapped them and bound monsters in them and now they are like this. Those people are after us because of our Sacred Gears.”

“Your what?” Rimuru asked while a question mark formed on his head.

Literally. I mean his body literally changed to form a question mark on his head.

“Our Sacred Gears. This is mine, called Gryphon.” The blonde girl informed us while the other girl strangely took a seat and started to look through the menu without a care in the world.

“They are not Pokemon?!”

“What?! No!”

“See, I told you so.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“You didn’t tell us about what they were.”

“I didn’t know what exactly they were but hey, I did tell you they were not pokemon.”

Our argument was interrupted by someone’s voice.

“Oh, are these the things who attacked you that day?” Kisuke-san looked outside and asked. I nodded before turning towards Tobio and his friends who looked exhausted.

“You all stay here. I will check and check it out.” I told them and headed towards the door, one hand, reaching for my knife.

A hand fell on my shoulder and stopped me.

“Silas. There are too many of them. Let me.” Ainz stood up, his bony frame towering over us as his voice took on a royal tone. He was in full on roleplaying mode right now.

Rimuru changed into his own blue haired human form. “I’ll help too.”

Zeref stood up and walked ahead too. “Let me also help out a bit to make up for the inconvenience I caused earlier.”

“I’ll help out too. I’m a Hero after all.” Saitama stood up. "I just need to get my hero costume first."

Cid was looking afraid. “Silas-san….I….I’ll will leave and maybe see if someone can help.” He said before running out.

“Tch what a sissy.” Tohru clicked her tongue looking at Cid’s back. “Well don’t worry boss. These types of things are my specialty. I will be done in a jiffy.” 

“Don’t be so hard on him….he is just starting Magic School so it was understandable if he was perturbed by the monsters. He even offered to find help so you shouldn’t be angry. Just make sure you don’t hurt the kids.” I ordered, remembering what Tobio had told me.

“Please. Our friends. They don’t want this. They are just being controlled. It’s the people after them.” Tobio pleaded to the ones walking out too and I noticed that there were some older people behind the entire group.

“Did these people….kidnap Sae-chan?” I asked and he nodded, making me narrow my eyes.

These bastards were kidnapping people from this area. What if they kidnapped someone from my Restaurant or someone close to me?

I needed to take care of them.

Sakura came down at this time, looking around confused. “Sakura-chan, can you see that they get some rest? I will take care of the things outside.”

“You take care and get healed, kid. We will solve this mess.” Rimuru laughed before applying some of the blue potion on his leg and I watched in awe as it was healed instantly.

That potion worked so well.

Ainz on the other hand had already donned his armour  and taken the lead, standing outside the shop, in quite a grand manner if I might add.

He started facing the one who seemed to be the leader of the group.

"We are Ainz Ooal Gown. This place is under our protection. We do not believe they have caused you any harm. For what reason do you attack this place?"

One by one the other people in the Restaurant came out as well.

Rimuru, Kisuke-san, Tohru and I.

The reply he got was not favourable in the least.

“Hehehehe a lowly knight and a lackey of a little devil at that, is questioning us? This is so funny, teacher.” A young girl dressed in purple gothic style clothes pointed at Ainz and laughed. “Hey teacher, can I kill them? Please, please pretty please?”

Is she mad?

A man dressed in a suit beside them scowled at me and then looked at Tobio. “Tch, to think that the Five Principal Clans have fallen so low as to allow such filthy creatures. It just shows that they are not worthy of their titles anymore. Do you see this? Do you still think they deserve to rule?”


What the fuck, dude?

I haven’t even opened my mouth yet and you are dissing me already.

The woman with the crazy girl looked at Ainz and replied. “Why do we attack, you ask? We do this because we want to do this. I mean, do you care for every ant walking in your path? No. They just get crushed. It’s not intentional, just your bad luck to encounter us. In this world weaklings like you have no right to speak.” There was no inflection in her voice, not even disdain.

….these people….they were complete psychopaths.

Ainz however was completely unmoved by their crazy banter. He took a step forward and spoke.

"You are correct.”

Yes, you tell them Ainz….wait what?

“The weak have no right to speak. They can only listen. But I am a kind man, so I will give you a choice… Do not cause any trouble here. If you choose to not listen to advice, both you and your entire organisation will burn."



What the fuck, dude?

Is he really Suzuki? Did he go off the deep end already?

"Hehehehe they are so funny, teacher. A little warrior, a young girl, a pretty boy and a weak devil. They want to take down the Wizards of Oz and the Utsusemi Organisation. Can I kill them please?" The girl beside the woman laughed.

At this time another figure appeared from my Restaurant.

He was wearing a Gold and purple trim adorn a dark jacket, shirt, pants, and high boots. A long hood casts a shadow to hide the upper half of his face. The only discernible facial features were his mouth and the glow of red eyes.

We looked at him questioningly and he spoke. “I was asked to help by a black haired boy from the Midgard Knight Academy. Is there any danger here? Am I late?”

“Oh! Cid sent help.” I….wasn’t expecting anyone but the guy actually went around asking for help.

It made my impression of the quiet guy improve by a lot.

“Well, nothing has started yet. You are on time, Cid-kun” Rimuru spoke before I could say anything further, making me stop.

“Say what?”

Tohru also whispered. “Yes Boss. It’s that Sissy.”

The boy was also taken aback but collected himself almost instantly and spoke in a deep voice. “Who is this Cid-kun you speak of? My name is Shadow: he who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadows."





Was Ainz affecting others now or was this guy also a chunni?

“Hehehehe they keep on increasing, teacher. And this guy is so funny. Can I fight him please?”

"No need to waste time on trash. Get the targets and kill the rest. Attack." The guy commanded as one of his subordinates raced towards Ainz while he himself raced towards Cid.

I gripped my knife and was ready to make a move.

The children and their monsters surrounding us rushed towards us at the same time.

The guy was the first to make a move as he reached Ainz and bashed him with what looked like a staff with iron rings on it.

Is this guy an idiot? Would those even go past his plate armour?

My doubts were erased a moment later when the ground under Ainz’s feet shattered as a wave of ice enveloped his form. “Hahahaha poor knight….do you think we are enemies who can be defeated by waving around that oversized blade of yours?”

I was about to slash at the guy almost reflexively but Rimuru held my hand back. I looked at the guy questioningly as he lifted his hand and pulled a Spiderman, throwing steel threads towards the attacking children, enveloping them in cocoons.

“Keep watching.” He said as he stood guard beside me.

I looked towards the frozen pillar and saw it crash as a hand came out of it and grabbed the head of the attacker.

The man tried to remove it but no matter what he did, it was useless. He repeatedly bashed his staff on Ainz but there was no reaction at all.

“Hmm, true. A greatsword is indeed not good to deal with flies. For things like these….using bare hands is more convenient.” And with that said, he clenched his hand, crushing the skull of that guy.

My grip on my knife shook.

I was pretty sure I heard someone yelp behind us.


A sudden moment of silence enveloped the whole place as Ainz looked towards the rest of the attackers and spread his hands. “Come flies. Understand the futility of your efforts.”

“As expected. Ainz probably had high level ice and physical attack resistance. I didn’t sense him receiving any damage.” A second later, Rimuru spoke softly.

My neck snapped to look at the human turned slime.

That was a freaking pillar of ice, you know? He was frozen.

Can something like that even be called resistance?

But then again, I had seen Gojo-san do something like that too so I could contain my surprise.

“Rimuru-san, can you bring some of those kids here? I want to see if I can find a way to fix them.” Kisuke-san asked.

“I think I might be able to help with this too.” Zeref stepped up.

“Sure thing.” Rimuru went Spiderman once again, pulling the cocoons from before to our side and in front of Kisuke-san and Zeref for them to take a look.

I wanted to check out what they were doing but didn't have time to think much as the older of the men, the one who was commanding the force of NotPokemon trainers, shouted in rage. “You filthy bastards! Attack them, kill them all.”

The remaining kids suddenly changed their direction towards Ainz

“Please, don’t kill our friends. They are not in control.” Tobio pleaded again.

But instead of Ainz, this time there was someone else facing them.

Cid-kun stood in between them and asked. “It’s fine if I attack the monsters, right?”

“Yes. That shouldn’t be a problem.” Kisuke-san said from behind us. “These monsters are more of a spiritual creation than actual monsters. Even if they die, the host would at best lose consciousness for a while, depending on the degree of attachment. They can always be cured.”

“Very well then.” Cid-kun nodded as a black coloured sword formed from his cloak into his hand and the very next instant, he disappeared from his place. What I saw were afterimages as he flashed between dozens of attacking monsters and they kept on shattering.

Fucking hell!

And he is supposed to be a beginner student at the Academy?

Cid-kun made his way through the crowd and within seconds was facing the man in the lead.

The man was stronger than the one who faced Ainz and was raising some kind of earthen Golems to send towards us.


The woman and the crazy girl also joined the fight, summoning what looked like a magic circle and attacking us with a hail of elemental attacks.

“Bakudo Number 81, Danku.” A voice sounded before the attacks could hit us and blocked the attacks.

I looked back to see Kisuke-san with a hand raised in our direction while still looking at the subdued students.

“I see. So you people are truly hell bent on dying.” Ainz spoke as his armour changed into a garb or some kind and a golden staff appeared in his hand. “In that case, let me fulfil your wishes.” He lifted the staff and several beings similar to those elementals I had seen in games appeared and faced the golems and the older woman.

Back with the students, Zeref called the woman beside him. “What do you think of this, Irene?”

“They have enchanted some kind of energy onto the children to develop the monsters in their souls and done a terrible job at that. The monsters act almost like parasites, overwhelming their minds. If their goal was to give them power, a gradual process would have been much better than just shoving a monster inside them." The red haired woman had appeared beside Zeref before I realised and checked the children before speaking.

“Yes. It’s like someone awakening their inner spirits, kinda similar to a Zanpakuto but their incomplete knowledge of souls made the whole process go haywire and now, instead of the kids controlling the spirits, they are being controlled by them.” Kisuke-san spoke.

"Can you use your Separation Enchantment to remove the monsters from them?" Zeref asked the woman.

"I can but it will take some time." She replied but had already started working on one of the children whom Rimuru had captured.

"Hmm. Let me try something.” He turned towards Touma. "Can you try to remove this? I believe you deactivating the enchantment will do the work."

The boy in question went hesitantly towards the tied up boy, removed his glove and touched it.

The target spasmed before fainting while the monster roared and collapsed.

The woman looked at Touma in awe and shock.

Even Kisuke-san was looking stunned at Touma.

"It's as I had guessed. Your gift is really something Touma-kun. Although, I'd suggest not touching the members of the restaurant because some of them are purely magical beings and might get seriously hurt by it."

“Indeed. I suggest wearing gloves like that inside the Restaurant at all times.” Kisuke-san said.

The boy in question nodded profusely.

On the other side, the fights were getting heated up too.

Ainz was skillfully keeping the woman’s attacks at bay while she was using some kind of purple fire which was giving me severe chills even looking at it.

On Cid-kun’s end, he was almost done too.

The man fighting him had one of his hands severed and I might not be a master or anything but even I could tell that at this point, he was just playing with him.

Similarly, Rimuru had bound the crazy goth girl in a cocoon.

“You are not a warrior? What are you? Who are you people?” The woman screeched as part of her face was burned from the attacks of Ainz’ elementals.

“We are Ainz Ooal Gown. With this name at stake, there can be no defeat.”

I won’t lie but….damn if that wasn’t cool.

Ainz lifted his hand and all his elementals bombarded the area, completely devastating the woman.

When the smoke cleared, the woman was still standing but looked like she would fall at any time.

“How disappointing? I expected more from someone claiming to be strong….after all, even a mosquito bite is supposed to sting.” Ainz looked at her and spoke in a calm tone.

Meanwhile I was wondering how the fuck he had so many cool dialogues. Did he write them in his spare time?

There is no way he was just winging everything.

"You think you have won? You will all die. My people will not let you live in peace so long as any of us still breathe. You will be hunted down till the end of hell." She screeched.

"The wailings of a defeated foe." Ainz waved it off and was about to kill her but was stopped by a voice..

“Please let me. I have a score to settle with her.” Surprisingly, one of the girls with Tobio, if I recall correctly, she was called Lavinia, stepped forward to the face of the woman with a wand drawn to her face. “This is for my teacher.”

Ainz didn’t interfere and watched.

“Your teacher?”

“I am Glenda Goodwitch’s disciple.” The girl gritted through her teeth. “Today, I will avenge my teacher.”

The woman looked at her and her face morphed into a smile that can only be described as… creepy.

“Your teacher… Glenda… she’s alive.” The woman laughed.

The girl paused. “... you are lying. I saw you kill her with my own eyes.”

“I didn’t kill her. Whose research do you think these monsters are? All from Glenda’s research.”

“You people extracted information from her forcibly.” She gritted out.

The battle had almost finished and all of us quietly watched the two, trying to figure out the situation.

Ainz walked to my side and whispered into my ear. “This looks like a classic anime plot, doesn’t it? I bet five bucks That Glenda woman is still alive and captive.”

“I think she is just trying to mess with her by lying to make her switch sides for more information. Ten bucks.” Rimuru whispered back.

“Ohh, can I join in? I personally think this woman is just buying time to do something.” Kisuke-san walked in and whispered. The fuck dude. Where did you come from?

Even Cid-kun, who had arrived by our side after finishing his fight and Tohru nodded.

“Hat and Clogs, sounds right. Do I blast her off, boss?” Tohru asked. 

These guys, are they monsters?… oh wait…

“No Tohru, no blasting people off.” I whispered back but even I was watching the scene.

In the meanwhile, the woman took out something from her waist and did something to the talisman. “Glenda.”

Another voice appeared on the other side. “What do you need from me, Augusta?”

I saw Lavinia pause, her body freezing completely.

“Your former apprentice is seeking you and wants to kill me. Don’t you have anything to say to her?”

“... Lavinia? She was an interesting subject because of her Longinus but that’s it. Her Sacred Gear helped my research. I have no use for her now.” The call was cut.

The girl Lavinia looked as if she was devastated and Augusta laughed before quickly swiping at her but the next second Augusta’s body fell down as a flash of light surrounded them.


Lavinia stood up and a figure which looked like a doll of ice appeared behind her as purple flames appeared around her once more while the original body of the woman lay beside her.

She laughed but her voice now seemed to be overlapping with Augusta’s. “You wanted to kill me, right. So die. You, your friends, this entire country DIE!”

“Possession?” Ainz said. 

“That’s troublesome.” Kisuke-san tugged his hat down.

Well obviously.

You people were busy playing Vegeta.

“Don’t worry. We just need to cut off their connection and the girl will be safe.” Rimuru said.

Cut off?

Suddenly a thought struck me.

“Let me try something.” I said, going forward. “Just cover me, alright.”

“Got it.”

I took a position with the knife once more as the woman sent those same spine chilling purple flames at me.

Several magical barriers formed in front of me, blocking the attacks.

I bit my tongue, forcing myself to push back the fear of those flames and concentrate on the thing I wanted to do.

The knife in my hand changed shape once more, taking the shape of a cleaver.

My Cursed Energy flared, before concentrating on the blade as a silver black aura enveloped it.

Cut off the connection between them.

Cut off the connection between them.

Cut that woman’s soul.

With this single thought in mind, I waved my knife.

One moment Lavinia was attacking us and the very next moment, her body fell while the woman’s body jolted awake as she let out a piercing shriek, looking at us with bloodshot eyes.

“Nooooooooo! You bastardssss! The Wizards of Oz and the Utsusemi Agency will never let go of this. You will all be chased till the ends of this world. None of you will be able to take a single breath of peace so long as even one of us lives.” The woman continued to curse.

I however was not paying any attention to that.

It worked.

It actually worked.

“That was some impressive show of magic, Silas.” Zeref said as he patted my shoulder. “Let me take care of the rest.”

The woman with Zeref looked towards Zeref with a smile. "It's not everyday you get to see Emperor Spriggan in action."

"Emperor? Is Zeref a King or something?"

– Ainz –

Ainz watched as the harmless looking guy walked forward and the next moment, his eyes widened… or would have if he had eyes. The amount of magic power he was releasing was insane.

"Since we will not be able to rest while you live, there is only really just one solution to this. I just have to make sure there are no survivors. But I will still give you a chance… surrender… or perish.”

The woman however had lost her mind already and a wave of fire rushed towards us.

Zeref joined his hands in the position of prayer and opened them to show a sphere of magic circles formed between them. "Very well. You have chosen your own fate. I invoke… Law."

The sphere of black magic expanded almost instantly and Ainz didn’t even have the chance to resist before it passed over him and then went beyond the horizon till nothing could be seen anymore.

Before he could ask what was happening, the remaining monsters all crumbled apart and the children fainted. The women also fell to the ground, lifeless.

Lavinia fell to the ground too but I could see that she was breathing slowly.

“Wh-what was that?” The other blonde girl struggled but finally asked.

The red haired woman who was giving off a feeling of danger from the very start explained. “Spriggan Law. It defeats anyone the user designates as an enemy. No defence works against it. With the Emperor’s strength, he can easily cover a large country with its effect. Once you are hit by it… you lose.”



A green light flashed over him.

“I see.” Was all he could utter but not because he didn’t have any thoughts.

His thoughts were on hyperdrive.

An AoE, targeted OHKO with a defence ignore, covering an entire country.

What the hell? Someone call the admins! This guy is hacking!

Really. He didn’t even doubt the woman’s words because she was talking about it as if she had witnessed it more than once already.

The harmless mage with the sad backstory turned out to be a fucking raid boss in disguise. Even now he looked at the open jaws of everyone else.

This kind of Skill was gamebreaking and would have been nerfed to the lowest pits of hell in the very next patch and here, this guy looked as if he wasn’t even bothered.

What if the world where Nazarick had landed had something like this guy too?

Wouldn’t he go to sleep one day only to continue sleeping forever?

It was good that he asked Demiurge to search the other areas first.

Maybe he can establish some trade agreements with Zeref and Mikam… Rimuru too.


Slow and steady was the way to survive.

“Did I miss something? Where are the monsters?” At this time a voice came from behind them and Saitama walked out with a yellow costume and white cape.


Meanwhile Silas was thinking about what would happen to the now destroyed neighbourhood.


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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)


Author’s Note:

This chapter took around 1.5k more words than usual.

The chapter would have been a day early but damn this fever.

Anyways, we have reached this point.

Things will be a bit slower than in the snippet with more events explored in more detail as Silas trains and gains power gradually.

Look forward to the next chapter.

Enjoy the new chapter.

Good Day, Peace Out.


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