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Hello everyone! I just wanted to give everyone here a notice that I am putting my Steven Universe Future project, "Puzzle Pieces," on hiatus, along with a few of my other SU projects.

I don’t want to call this hiatus temporary or indefinite just yet, but I need a major break from the Steven Universe fandom. I can’t really focus on several fandoms at once, and The Owl House fandom currently has my attention. It’s been exhausting continuing to be involved in the SU fandom when the community has been slowing down and I’ve been at it for so long.

I wanted this project done by this time, but it’s not happening between all of the other boards and art I’ve juggled this summer. I’ve been drawing Steven Universe nonstop for almost 7 months straight, and while I love and cherish it dearly, I’m tired lol. I want, and need, to focus on other projects and original characters. Portfolio can’t all be fanart, and I have more than enough SU content to include if I so choose.

It’s possible that the art book coming out in October will kick up my steam for it again, but if it doesn’t, I’ll likely be pushing the project back to next year, long after my portfolio is significantly stabilized. I’ll be looking for studio work some time in January, and I’d like to have a more diverse portfolio for when that time comes. Puzzle Pieces and Steven Universe in general has consumed too much of my time due to how lengthy my writing tends to be, and I want to push forward with smaller storyboard projects. I’ve had a blast getting back into the fandom and getting in touch with my old self again, but it’s time for me to start moving on.

I will also be rearranging my patreon's description, as my animatic lineup has changed a lot over the past month. Keeping it public makes me feel weirdly pressured to stick to it when other projects come to mind, but I should be drawing what I really want to in the moment. It will be simplified.

That doesn’t mean these projects will be shelved, I’m just trying to be kinder to myself when it comes to my self-induced workload lol. This also doesn’t mean my SU art will come to a complete end, it’ll just be really slowing down. I will be expanding my horizons.

This post is more for me as I'm sure most of you will be more than fine with this, but I just felt the need to give a heads up for anyone who joined this patreon interested in Puzzle Pieces alone. I super appreciate your monetary support over the past couple of months and hope that you continue to enjoy my work! 

Thank you!



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