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[I reposted it because the first time link broke]
Here is another poll! A lot of options for this poll. Fortnite, Street Fighter and Overwatch have so many characters, it will be another poll if it wins  : P

As added note, Fotnite also includes: Harley Quinn, Wonder Woman, Raven, Poison Ivy, Cammy and some other guest characters

Please pick 2 or 3 you like!  

Next month poll [October] I think I will do a longer story animation. I am not sure yet. Let me know if you do not mind 1 long story animation even if it means less characters.  

Thank you for the amazing support and discussion on the posts. I read and think about all the comment ideas!  

Have a nice day!! <3



would love to see #2 or #5 :-)

King of Frostbite

I always love long animation so I do not mind at all!


If a VR wins I hope you make it SBS or TB for that 3D effect.


Jill FTW🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻

Bill Ridicked

The longer animations are what keep me coming back!


wow! can all?


I don't think I've had to do more research in google images for the chracters before this poll, haha. And I enjoy the long animations! Would very much prefer it over 2 or more short loops.


I choose you Maya ! Go !


Jill variant is really something new. Would be interesting if you did a longer sequence with some added stuff. Scarlet is interesting too.

Taha Alaswad

Essentially you can’t go wrong with something vr yes


I’d love some Tifa socks!


Lets get som Jessie rasberry Soon please and Claire Redfield 🙏

Requiem of Consoles

Eventually I'll get that Jessie Rasberry to win a vote. Idk when but sooner or later it'll happen


Since you're so close to 1000 patrons now, I'm curious how much faster the long animations can be with the mocap suit. Can it be monthly/bimonthly or is that still too fast?


Any chance we could see Rinoa Heartilly from FF8 in future animations? Would love to see some smelly foot sniffing and stepping from her. :P


It could be possible I think? I will know for sure after my first attempt but I think bimonthly is a good chance. It would be 1 month to make and 2 or 3 weeks for render I think


Uhhh i want that Blowjob so bad hopefully with cum swallowing tho hehe


Nice, good to know! The goal's been reached since I commented - congrats on the success!


honestly i much more prefer longer animations rather than the short or the loop ones :D i would prefer to get the animation rarely and long rather than often and short ones, that is just my two sense though :D you do amazing work and i fully trust your decisions cause you make each clip count, you are the best &lt;3