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Since it looks like Tomb Raider will win the poll, I decided to start work early. Even if it somehow does not, at least I have the work done : P

The original model is by Gifdoozer, I edited the textures and shaped the feet.

I reduced redness and added sweat effect in the second image. This will be the effect in the final video if Tomb raider idea wins poll!
NOTE! : There are only 252 votes, this means at least 100 have not voted. Please try to vote if you can / want to, there is only a few hours left


Lux animation:
It has released! Coming to Enthusiast, Big tipper and Supporter in 5 days!

Dva animation:
It has started render! The main angle has just under 4 days left. The POV angle will also take 4 days, some of the other angles are not as long so they will take less time. I expect it to finish render sometime next week.

October animations:
2B and Widow / Brigitte animations are done, they are just waiting render.

Widowmaker's doormat:
Intro and ending are finished. I have also added the licking textures and wrinkle textures. I just need to do the physics and add some saliva strings.

Ada Wong footjob: Finally I know the personal animation for this month! I will be posting a W.I.P of the Ada foot model soon.




Wow, they look amazing❤🥰