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This is something new from us, it's our crack at making an episode extension for Rewinder. We get into it a bit, but Rewinder prevents us from exploring certain angles within the episode, so we wanted to find a way to dive into interesting tangents or storylines we previously haven't been able to touch. For the concept's debut, we're using the recent Nuggets-Sonics Rewinder as the starting point and seeing what else we can unravel from it.

If you check it out, please let us know what you think. We want to keep growing and evolving and honing and other verbs to make sure we're doing this right.

For additional reading on the subject, here's some of Seth's resource materials...


Benjamin Waters

The Sports Illustrated long form is one of the best pieces of sports journalism I have ever read, next to "The search for Jackie Wallace". It is an absolute beautiful piece and I hope everyone reads it.

Cristina Almaraz

This was very fun! I like this format, just you guys like chatting. Rewinder is such a cool format but obvi a little restrictive, it's great to hear these extra stories

Joel Erickson

I appreciate all the content this channel produces. It’s always high quality stuff, even if the goal isn’t necessarily making strides in informing people about sports or other things. The Rewinder series has been the most difficult series to get into, mostly because the format starts right at some pivotal moment and then builds up to it. But stops short of any immediate catharsis afterwards. So hearing a discussion like this is very much appreciated for giving more immediate context, but also describing the “afterwards” part.

Daniel Robinson

I will pay a significant amount of money to hear all of you shit talk each other

Frink Zippi

love love love this format! it feels like a throwback to That's Weird where you just pick out a story to chat about and get deeply into


More of this please. Genuinely enjoyed the hell out of this. The topic, format, length…perfect.

Ben Rall

This might be the most interesting person I've heard about from any SB content, and that is a VERY high bar to clear. Would love to hear more stories like this!


This was a fascinating slice into someone who refused to fit any mold. It makes sense that it's not a "natural" YouTube video fit for people who expect some traditional "that's Secret Base" content, but for occasional "when something's worth getting into" Patreon content, this is absolutely 100% quality stuff.

Scott Bell

I really liked this

Kim Katya Harley

it’s so nice to see everyone together in meatspace

Mitchell Smith

I'm so glad you did an episode on this dude. I randomly looked him up after the Nuggets-Sonics rewinder