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So, 18+ hour later of non-stop work... and here I am. This time I bring big changes, let me list some:

  • Witch's shop added:

    For now you can buy blood bags, lust potions, and a... toy.

    There's supposed to be a story behind the shop itself, and the character, but I decided to put it without the story for now, just so we have another location and the shop system implemented.

  • items no longer show on your inventory if you haven't discovered them.

  • Lust potions added, though I think $500 is too expensive... or too cheap, ... it depends what profession you choose. I have to play the game to actually balance it... I've been too busy developing it, lol. Please play the game and leave your feedback about prices, and bugs, it helps a lot.

  • Now you can visit and revisit places. If you forget to do something you can go back to it. 

  • Extra scenes if you buy the tentacle. I don't want to spoil where you get them... it should come as a surprise.  

    *Much more to come... and of course, that background asset for the old shop is temporary just the rough sketch, it will be replaced soon for a refined one. Thanks a lot for your support. Next update we'll work a little on the assets, and then introduce a new location and a new character. There ain't no stopping this madness ^___^ .




Nice work ! But don't overdo it we can wait a little more even if it's difficult ;)

Kim Kim

Yup, 18+ hours... My goodness🤯, don't be so crazy 🥺. It's still necessary to stick with a regular routine.🙃