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I got greedy with working on request & commissions and couldn't finish Patreon reward at time.

I will manage to finish both rewards within a week before the next poll ends.

Reward 1 will be ready within 12hs.

Thank you so much for waiting, and feel free to ask me anything about this.

패트론 보상을 우선순위에 두지 않고 다른 요청/커미션들을 작업하다가 결국 늦었습니다.

모든 1월 보상은 2월 투표가 끝나기 전, 일주일 내로 작업을 마무리 하겠습니다.

보상 1은 12시간 내로 올라갈 예정입니다.

기다려 주셔서 정말 감사하고, 질문이 있으시다면 얼마든지 남겨 주세요.


Justin Tan

Can you make sure you rest up? Are you taking care of yourself?


I am working every single day. But I do take rest after few hours of working every single time. So my body have no problem taking that. I have an important goal atm. I will be working hard until than. Thx for your concern :)