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Scripts for Fap Hero Serendipity

팹 히어로 - Serendipity 전용 스크립트들입니다!

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password: bekscript1

비밀번호: bekscript1

March Reward 2 will be posted on end of this month! So stay tuned~

2번째 3월 보상은 월말에 올려질 예정입니다!

Thx for the support as always!

후원 항상 감사드립니다!




looked forward to this one for a while, gonna be a goood time for sure Oooff


I think this is one of the most intense fap hero video that I ever worked on. It has really short breaks & non stop vibrations & max speed full strokes. So be careful when you use it lol


I cant find the full beat scripts:-( or are they exlusive to a specific tier?


There are no full beat scripts for this video. The half beat scripts were fast enough to reach the Handy's speed limit.


For us crazy people with overpowered SR6s, is it possible to get full speed scripts? Wondering if maybe you already have the note charts generated or if it would still be considerable work to create the full speed scripts. Thank you either way, this looks delightful!


Yes I do have the base format for the full beat script. I don't think full beat + hardcore will work on SR6 because there will be no gaps between strokes. but I will try adding a simple full beat script when I have time.


hi, the DL link is not working??


Pls read the post carefully: "Copy & Paste the entire URL if clicking doesn't work!" "password: bekscript1"