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Are you ok with me charging on the cum/alts?

  • Yeah, I'm ok with that 330
  • Nah, i'm not ok with that 29
  • 2020-01-05
  • —2020-01-10
  • 359 votes
{'title': 'Are you ok with me charging on the cum/alts?', 'choices': [{'text': "Yeah, I'm ok with that", 'votes': 330}, {'text': "Nah, i'm not ok with that", 'votes': 29}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 10, 4, 21, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 5, 4, 28, 31, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 359}


I want to ask if are you ok with me charging when the cum/alts are done?.

So far i was charging just once per character and adding the cum/alts as a bonus, but those are getting complex and are needing an extra month to be completed, so i want to know if you are ok with me charging on the cum/alts to compensate that.

TL;DR version at the bottom~

What i mean by charging on the cum/alts is having a second charge on a character when i finish the cum/alt versions, this is on a different month than the first charge.

Even with this change, you will not pay more than the amount on the tier your are in at that month (for example the 1 dollar tier will be paying a max of 1 dollar that month). 

This will be making sure there is an anal version (or another one depening on the pose) and if the character allow it a male version too.

The tiers will remain almost the same, but lowering the price for the PSD and the Exe:

$1 Tier

- Access to All finished animations

- Access to WIPs  

- Vote to decide what character to animate next

$2 Tier (This tier is new)

- All the rewards from the tier behind it

- PSD File

- Exe Interactive File (this is not on the current list, but now it will be official on the list)

$3 Tier

- All the rewards from the tiers behind it

- Your name added to top supporter list in the interactive animation (this is new)

- A new 2 dollar tier that will have the rewards of the current 3 dollar tier, this is to compensate that i will be charging that second time for the cum/alts. so people can go for that one if they feel the 3 dollar tier it's too much but they want to keep the rewards they are getting at the moment.

- The 3 dollar tier will now have an extra for the people that want to still support at that price (and of course the ones that pledged even more =D), having the top supporter status and their name will be on the credits on the exe animation credit section.

- The first charge will be done almost the same as before, but for the tiers that have the exe and psd rewards they will now enjoy a psd and the exe based on the basic animation loop after it's finished, so they can enjoy rewards sooner than i was doing it before (before there was no exe for the basic loop for example).

Some clarifications and perosnal notes

- If i make this changes you don't have to do anything (exept changing tiers if you feel like it).

- All animations are still for everyone

- I personally don't want to raise the tier prices as it create some problems when charging (for example having to much time with no money entry for me even if it's the same amount of money on the long run), and because i can't really move all people from a 1 dollar tier to a 2 dollar tier just like that, it first need to have 0 people on that tier to make that change (also i think i can't really get rid of the 1 dollar tier, but i'm not sure on that one).

- People suggested a monthly model as it's charging kinda the same and it's probably the better option for me on the money side of things, but i personally feel better when i charge only when something is finished.


I want to charge for future cum/alt versions if you guys are ok with it.

Of course this is only if you guys are ok with it, so no changes until that is settled. =D



You put tons of work into what you do, so it's only fair for you to get proper compensation for it as well :D


I'm glad with that way you do it but being charged 3 dollars a animation is a little much for some people and well with how random the schedule is it's hard to plan for our patron budget each month. I'd say just up your standard rates instead of 1 or 3 go to 3 or 5 or something similar. No offense but love you man.


With the changes it will be equivalent of 2/4/6 per character (still the max on the month i charge will be 1/2/3), one problem with trying to change the rates is that is not possible until no people is on that tier, so it's a real problem trying to move the patrons between tiers, in any case thank you! i really appreciate your feedback~


With each piece whether it's an alt or a new animation it still requires a good deal of effort and I feel like you deserve to be paid for your work. I think paying for alts is totally fair especially with how high quality your work is :)


But what if someone don’t want the anal or/and oral...


well, those are a little adjustment on the tier reward to give a little more options x3


Personally I prefer having more new characters than getting alternate animations of the same character over a period of several months. I think the payment for each animation release/alteration is more than worth the prices, but it’s just unfortunate for me personally to see the lack of new stuff over the past few months.


I am okay with it, but there are occasionally animations that I'm not super into, and I would rather you work on a new animation rather than waiting 1-2 months for a cum/anal/etc variation. I would suggest that you charge for variations, but also do a poll after every animation so that we can vote to skip out on variations and move on to the next character.

Gabriel Cannizzo

I think its good to make alternate version of different animation so far, you can improve and experiment wich give you more knowledge and experience for future animation, most of people enjoy alt as well, if each animation with female start vaginal, its good to make alternate to have more diversity in my opinion but what if aside of another tier to access alt scene there was just the possibility to complete an animation whole with alt and cum in one time and then release all in one time, for then post the exe version later


It is possible to jump to the 1 dollar tier after supporting the basic loop or even remove the pledge after the basic loop, you will still have the rewards of the PSD and Exe based on that basic loop if you are on the 2 dollar or 3 dollar tier, then you can return when another animation is starting, that way you can avoid supporting the alts, that option is on part why i wanted to charge when those are ready, so people have that option, instead of just raising the price of the tiers~


I just want to say I really like your work your the one of the few i support on patreon and now that things arent so hard im happy im able to up the ante for your hard work.


That's a good idea


I enjoy your animations enough that I would gladly pay an extra dollar or 2 to get the creampie alts if I had to.


I apologize, specially on the past two animations i had some issues irl that affected the time i worked on the animations, i will work hard to return to a squedule that has more substantial release of content.


I apologize, the release squedule was specially long on the past two animations, i will work to return to a more healthy squedule of content so more characters come faster, also the poll is an intriguing idea, thank you for you feedback~


not sure if i read that correctly, but yeah, the alts are for all tiers, and about the diversity, i'm thinking on a system that allow people to vote on the kind of alt they want, i will say more about that as soon as i solve how i want to do it~


It makes me happy that you like my work, your support means a lot, thank you so much!