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The base frame is ready, so i will use this post the same way i used the Glaceon progress one, i will update it little by little as the progress goes on so you can see the current state of the animation!

(as usual, nothing is final, and it will look pretty rough as the cleaning stage is the last part)

So check it any time you want!  




oh. my. god. this is so hot <3


Oh fuck I cant wait!!~~


Holy crap, beautiful as always! If I may make a suggestion, would it be possible to get a zip file at the end with all of the WIP steps included? It's super interesting to see the progress at each step but sometimes I forget to check in and I miss out on a step after you update it to the next stage.


Oh boy! This is gonna be a great “SMASH!” Sorry I just gotta x3 but can’t wait for the next update!


Oh I see you're trying different penis shapes? Interesting where this will lead! Keep up the good work!

Skeleton Man

a knot!! awesome, this is going to be interesting, cant wait to see it !!

JetN Amplify

oh i hope that knot goes in <3


Looking great. Isabelle looks great in your style.


This is just a thought, but Isabelle usually has two facial expressions, one is the super happy :D that you're doing and another is her normal :&gt; smile. Would it be a lot of work to make an alternate version with her :&gt; smile? I find that expression super adorable! Here's a link to an example of what I mean: <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/animalcrossing/images/2/26/Isabelle_AF.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/animalcrossing/images/2/26/Isabelle_AF.png</a>


Damn, how did I miss that update?! I can't wait to see the finished one, it looks lovely so far!


Thank you, feel free to check the progress anytime you want! =D

Gabriel Cannizzo

What you plan to do for cum also, tbh i was wondering, if there is also anal version, it could make a good diversity to not make the knot in vaginal but in anal, there is no need to think like i do, but that do be a kind of logic that anal can be deeper than vaginal, And i think other people can comment about it here, it's just a suggestion tho


about the cum, i will try something like the palico one, and about the knot, there are people that asked to knot her in vaginal, so my intention is to create both versions so there is a little for everyone =D


whoops, i wrote that last message as a new message instead as a reply, sorry, it was intented to be a reply to your comment &gt;

Gabriel Cannizzo

updating old animation to anal and cum version could be sensationnal


would you ever consider making one where the dick cums then is pulled out and the vagina or ass hole are still gaping and leak cum?


That sounds really hot, maybe i can do an animation dedicated to that!

Gabriel Cannizzo

Maybe for future animation another idea could be switch vaginal from anal and anal from vaginal and maybe a kind of longer animation like both hole creampied in one time as it keep going with the mess


mess is good! but i just need to solve the gif limitation to make longer animations posible.

Lord Vaust

Got some sad news Cam. I might have to pause my patronage for a month or two. Money issues, I’ll re-join once I get more income but for December and maybe January at most, I won’t be around.


It is alright! I greatly appreciate the support and insight you gave to my work, so i wish you the best, and i hope you can solve your money issues. Thank you again for the support you gave me!

Gabriel Cannizzo

the progress look so good, can't wait until finished version oof ono


looks amazing :O


These are all so good!


I came back to see the gif progress and just...(0_O) when I noticed the entire knot going in. Good work!

Gabriel Cannizzo

Yesss, that's so hot, the progress of the whole animation is so good, but i rather think that the progress for the final spoil a bit too much, a surprising final is always so good

Gabriel Cannizzo

i just though about it, but we dont really know the exact size of each shaft in your animation, for future suggestion, aside of starting directly with the main loop, a penetration scene could be good to have the size in mind

Gabriel Cannizzo

Then a pull out for the cream to get out and slowly faint as the whole circle start again

JetN Amplify

Oh wow holyshit its looking very good


I'm glad you like it! i hope to finish the version soon! =D

Gabriel Cannizzo

ohh damn, i can feel it's almost done, this is hot hot and hot


I thought i did reply, but i commented instead xd, but i'm glad you like it!


Almost, this one took a long time, but i'm almost there with this version!


thank you so much for your hard work! I'm so happy with this, and everything you've done :)


Thank you!, i'm been having trouble with this one, but i hope to show the finished vaginal version soon!

Gabriel Cannizzo

will you post it as new post or you'll just update the "normal" version one ?

Gabriel Cannizzo

Soo after the cum version, will you jump on Eveelution or you make anal version for this one and then adding some other version of older animation ?