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Below I have included all the known stratagem IDs currently in the game. This wont be of use to you unless you are swapping stratagem IDs to try unreleased content that we had to exclude from the mod available on discord. Special thanks to

'HabadaTM' for finding these.

? - huh (there is something odd about this one / needs to be selected on ship to load in and be used)

+ - Works (just works)

x - Broken (doesnt work and will probebly crash your game)

* - Special (needs extra mission conditions to be funcional)

example : 999 - +? - Big Rock (this one works but it probebly acts odd if you dont equip at the ship)

0 - + - Empty

1 - + - Eagle 500KG Bomb

2 - +? - Orbital Gatling Barrage

3 - + - Extraction (drops on Extraction zone)

4 - +? - Emancipator Exosuit

5 - +* - Super Earth Flag

6 - +? - Anti-Tank Mines

7 - +? - Stalwart

8 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

9 - + - Eagle Airstrike

10 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

11 - +? - Medic Backpack

12 - + - Orbital Walking Barrage

13 - +? - Shield Generator Relay

14 - +? - Autocannon

15 - +? - Patriot Exosuit-1

16 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

17 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

18 - + - Eagle Strafing Run

19 - +? - Heavy Machine Gun

20 - + - Resupply

21 - +? - Orbital EMS Strike

22 - + - ? / Eagle Strafing Run

23 - +? - Patriot Exosuit-2

24 - +? - Eagle Smoke Strike

25 - +x - Extraction Beacon

26 - +? - Orbital Gas Strike

27 - +* - Hellbomb

28 - +? - Shield Generator Pack

29 - +? - EMS Mortar Sentry

30 - +* - Eagle Rearm

31 - +? - Rocket Sentry

32 - +? - Airburst Rocket Launcher

33 - +? - Railgun

34 - + - Orbital Railcannon Strike

35 - +? - Laser Cannon

36 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

37 - + - Eagle Cluster Bomb

38 - +? - Gatling Sentry

39 - + - Arc Thrower

40 - +? - Rocket Sentry

41 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

42 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

43 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

44 - +? - "Guard Dog"

45 - +? - Orbital Smoke Strike

46 - +? - Spear

47 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

48 - +? - Medical Supplies

49 - +? - ? / news camera

50 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

51 - + - Granade Launcher

52 - + - Machine Gun

53 - + - Orbital Air Burst Strike

54 - ?+ - Jammed Piňata (randome drop)

55 - +? - ? / Explosion

56 - +? - Medical Supplies

57 - + - Machine Gun

58 - ?+ - Reinforce (wooden Helldiver)

59 - +? - Ballistic Shield Backpack

60 - + - Extraction (calls extraction shuttle in 2 minutes to the extraction zone)

61 - +? - Supply Pack

62 - +? - Tessla Tower

63 - +? - Orbital Laser

64 - x? - Scrambler

65 - + - Resupply

66 - + - ? / Extraction (calls extraction shuttle in 2 minutes to the extraction zone with zone border moved to you)

67 - + - Flamethrower

68 - +? - "Guard Dog" Rover

69 - +? - Mortar Sentry

70 - + - Orbital Precision Strike

71 - +? - Anti-Personal Minefield

72 - +? - Machine Gun Sentry

73 - x? - Spire Sterilizer

74 - + - Reinforce

75 - + - Orbital 380MM HE Barrage

76 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)

77 - ?+ - Drilling Charge

78 - x - ? / Broken

79 - +? - Recoilless Rifle

80 - + - ? / Orbital Nuke

81 - + - Eagle Napalm Airstrike

82 - +? - Jump Pack

83 - + - Orbital 120MM HE Barrage

84 - +? - Autocannon Sentry

85 - +? - Incendiary Mines

86 - +? - Eagle 110MM Rocket Pods

87 - + - Anti-Material Rifle

88 - +? - Jump Pack

89 - +? - HMG Emplacement

90 - + - SOS Beacon

91 - + - Eagle Air-To-Air Missiles

92 - + - Expendable Anti-Tank

93 - +? - Extraction Beacon | don't know what it does

94 - + - Quasar Cannon

95 - +* - Empty? (needs to be found in mission)


Austin M

may i have a discord invite? the others expired.