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So Iโ€™m really disappointed. My tits look a little bit smaller. Still huge. Just lost some weight. Itโ€™s becoming evident that I wonโ€™t be able to change my weight like I used to.

I took the protective screen off my phone cuz it had a crack through the lens hence the foggy and not foggy pics

Also I added the willow brand breast pump to my wishlist with the intention of purchasing it for myself but itโ€™s unavailable now. Grrrrrr. Going to be watching like a hawk for when itโ€™s back.... I just need a better pump. The one I have is very hard to use.

The moral of the story: getting back into pumping will help to increase density in my boobs. I have been having a lot of pain in my boobs cuz Iโ€™m not pumping and thatโ€™s just due to sheer frustration with the pump I currently have. And when I see people with the pump I want I get realllllly jealous. This is not something that happened to me normally, I never get jealous. But I want that fucking willow pump so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




That side boob though...


Are you still making milk