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I don’t have pics... I went to my girlfriends apt complex pool. There were a bunch of dude-bros standing around the grill and when I walked in and took my towel off to get into the pool... it was like all the music and chatter and everything just stopped and all of the men, women, and children were staring at me.. really bad.. so bad that they started to point. So I just turned around and didn’t face them... I thought it would be toooo obvious if I took pics. Need to go back when there are less people. I have the code to get it so I’ll make this happen.

The staring was so hardcore that my friend even got embarrassed for me. She was like “it must be a nightmare walking around with those” and I told her I’m usually oblivious. But that was very obvious.

Final note: when I was in the pool with no gravity I was feeling really good and when I got out it’s amazing how much gravity really works. I felt like my tits were so fucking heavy. I couldn’t believe it.




Who could blame them! Hopefully I’d have sunglasses on so it’s not so obvious. I’d definitely look and probably put a towel over my lap. :)


How you had a good time and they weren't too mean. Thanks for sharing the anecdote.