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Very little is known of Marchitas. What they have revealed is that once they were a single dryad living on Ravnica under the Selesnya Conclave. How they became one mind within two bodies however is never explained or how their spark ignited. 

The Marchitas are now part of the Hataya family on New Aloyan. They are the caretaker and patron of the native dryads that work at the spa resort Flordesol, the hometown of the dryads. They are kind but enigmatic, often just walking from one spot to the other observing their kin working. 

New dryads bloomed at the plane are at first nervous around the Marchitas, shying away from meeting their gaze. Years after though, they learn that there's nothing to fear from their patron.

Eventually they too will join in a fifty year old game the dryads like to play:

Try to work as hard and good as possible in order to impress the Marchitas and get praised for their good job. So far only 1211 dryads have earned won this game.

An urban myth also exist that anything that the Marchitas touches would wither away and die. The truth is that Marchitas holds the power to mature anything with a simple touch of their palm. 

Their magic however is not involuntary and only lasts for an hour or so, then it will revert back to its normal self.



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