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As per our promise during our live chat with patrons (specifically Clayton), here is a picture of me with the picture of Herman van Rompuy that I keep above my desk. I clipped this out of a Belgian newspaper on a flight from Brussels to NYC a couple years back. It cracked me up because he was so roundly mocked in Auto-Tune the News #11, and here, he looked just like a sad Charlie Brown walking down the stairs of the E.U. I guess Nigel Farage has really gotten to him. 

Our next livestream will be the beginning of next month! Sign up to give at the $15 level to get the top-secret link.

ATTN #11, ft. Herman Van Rompuy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpYIKF1wuyE

WHO IS HERMAN VAN ROMPUY THO: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herman_Van_Rompuy



Clayton Payne

Can't wait for next months picture of Andrew with a different picture of van rompuy 😂