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Stems for Stranger Things tracks- will update this post when I have the Vecna v. 011 stems.

At long last, you can drop Eddie vocals on any kind of beat you desire, making the Corroded Coffin songs of your dreams. Why did we go I ––> II broadway vibes on the first track?? idk, it seemed funny and would contrast w/ the 80s vibe of the show & the scary vibe of the scene. Would also sound good as a different 80s song 🚀



Kieron Fall

Hey are you guys able to add the vecna stuff?

The Gregory Brothers

would you want the stems? here's the song https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t6hzai6lp75m67dd933d0/Vecna-Song-I-Don-t-Know-Anything-You-re-Talking-About.wav?rlkey=0wbnmf8ongq8nxkglsc92tqkl&dl=0