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Hi Everyone!

For 4 years I have been working on a new album. I am so proud of it and really think it is the best, most beautiful thing I have ever made (with the exception of Bad Hombres, Nasty Women, obvs). 

My kickstarter for the album launches next Monday. It would mean so much to me & really help me out if you would be so kind as to click through and sign up to get an alert when it officially launches. I'm hoping that if enough people sign up I can get featured on Kickstarter when it launches.

There are going to be some very cool rewards, like me writing you a personal jingle, vinyl albums, t-shirts...but just so you know, anyone who is a Patreon member will get the album as a download, just because you have been so kind to support us here. So if you want one of the other rewards, great! But if you just want the album...you'll get it here :)

Thanks so much for everything & can't wait for you to hear this album.


<3 andrew


Coming soon: 'Sketched Twice' - Andrew Rose Gregory's new album

andrew rose gregory is raising funds for 'Sketched Twice' - Andrew Rose Gregory's new album on Kickstarter! After 11 years of making 'Auto-Tune the News' and 'Songify This' I went back into the studio to make a new solo record.


Songify This

This is a really sweet post. Congrats on birthing this long-building project for you! I'm really glad that you are so satisfied with it since it is clearly a labor of love. If I was a kickstarter I would be happy to be notified. Link was hidden in the picture. Here it is in text: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/andrewrosegregory/sketched-twice-andrew-rose-gregorys-new-album

Phillip Drange

I'm so excited for the new album. I think I've said it before, but for the other patrons, I first became a fan from Michael and Andrew's "Hello Again" videos. You announced your last album with that video, I can't believe that was 10 years ago!