🇦🇺AUSSIE 🇦🇺RULES WIKIWARS! June livestream this Sunday (Patreon)
ZOOM MEETING: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85068196675
This Sunday, July 11 at 8am EST we are hosting our June WikiWars Livestream! This one is Aussie Rules! If you are unfamiliar with Aussie Rules, they include but are not limited to:
1. 12 days grace because we were on vacation with our dear mother celebrating her 70th birthday
2. Happening at 8am in the morning so ppl from Australia can join
3. Max and President Hairy Legs tell me if there are any other Aussie rules that we are missing.
In the meantime if you can join, head over to https://www.thewikigame.com/ and make an account so we can get ready to face off on Sunday! And our July livestream will be at a time that is more amenable to U.S. folks on the west coast :)
<3 andrew