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in case the .m4a didn't work for you - andrew


Andre LaBranche

I think there's something odd about patreon's attachment thingy, and different browsers seem to handle it differently (perhaps in ways that reflect their respective world-views, perhaps not). In Safari, on a mac, if I right-click / control-click the download link (such as the one with text "Tosche_Station.m4a", what I actually get is a file with a .m4a.mp3 extension, which is not correct. For better or worse, much or all of the Apple-produced software can still work with this file without error. Other software might (correctly) have problems with this situation. Just deleting the '.mp3' portion of the filename 'fixes' it. Also, you can copy the URL instead of "download linked file as", and the copied URL is correct! Pasting that url into a new tab, or downloading using command line tools shows that requesting the various advertised URLs produces the expected data. This weird filename thing seems like maybe a browser-level behavior. So then, over in Chrome: right-click the download link, choose "save link as...". Lo, a little window appears prompting you for a filename and *file type*. When's the last time you were asked for a file type like this? It shouldn't be necessary in this millennium (when downloading something with a known type). I would bet one dollar that both Chrome and Safari are responding to a lack of some kind of metadata or mime type info, and responding in different ways for different reasons. Chrome asks you for the file type when saving because it isn't sure what the correct value is, and knows that this is an important decision. It supplies a correct default selection of 'm4a'. Safari *doesn't* prompt you for either a file name or file type (can you distinguish between 'annoying dialogs' and 'dialogs that may be annoying but are also required for correct operation'?), and instead makes a wrong guess, adding a .mp3 extension behind the existing .m4a extension.


Upload both. M4A is nice for audiophiles while MP3 is nice for things like Google play which doesn't like M4A