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August has been a far busier month than I had originally anticipated. Between fatigue and a great deal going on recently in my life I have not had as much time or energy to work as I would have liked. I will be gathering some sketches together and have an ACEO and all of the 50+ awards ready to go. So there is that at least. I am hoping that now that I've recovered some from the intensity of July that I will be much more productive! Expect at least a stream once a week and much more sketching. Comic pages too. I am determined to get them finished now that I've begun tweaking them and figuring out what was bothering me. Recently I have applied for a new job. I am currently waiting to hear whether I will be called back for a second interview. I am very hopeful about getting this and if I do there might be some changes to awards. I will be sure to keep everyone updated. Tomorrow I will begin posting pin ups and everything else. A big thank you to everyone for all your support. It has helped a great deal in the last few months.



With such a busy month this is honestly already an impressive amount of work looking at just what's been posted. :) Best of luck on the job as well!


I unfortunately did not get it, so bad to the grindstone! Hoping this month will be better.