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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing ok! the video is a little late this week, as you might have seen in the community tab, but it’s for a good reason (hopefully) 🔎🎃 it’ll be up sometime on sunday.

this week i got my second set of halloween nails! very excited about them.

i also finally finished the halloween ghost cards 🥺 took me a little while but im really happy with them. there’s 10 total, so a full set! each with an assigned spooky (or spooky-adjacent) song. i’m not sure they quite work as a playlist, but they are some of my favourites for the season- i hope you like them!

that’s all i think for now, but i’ll see you on sunday. i hope you have a lovely weekend 🙇🏻‍♀️

take care and speak soon, friends x



All of their names are SO cute! Buying now!!


Nova and Bram are my favs, love the nod to ghost face in nova