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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay. apologies for the late update this week- i lost track a bit recently! not too much to update with, but i do have some photos, and my notebook plans for next year.

this week I also got my first set of halloween nails 🙇🏻‍♀️ needless to say im very excited

i started developing some sort of cold (?) on tuesday, so have spent most of my time curled on the sofa back-filling my hobonichi cousin.

this is because i think i've finally worked out my notebook plans for 2024. my big year of experimentation has been fun and i've learned a lot, i don't regret it, but now that it's drawing to a close, i find myself a little sad that everything is spread across so many books. 

for 2024, i'd like my focus to be on keeping a "main" archive- and big shoutout to lindsey of @lindseyscribbles for this, because talking to her really helped me to solidify my ideas 🙇🏻‍♀️

my intention is to keep one big book all year, as you might have guessed- a hobonichi cousin. this is a book/system that i didn't *really* give too much time when i tried it. i only have one full month in the book (april), but did really enjoy using it, and still find myself thinking of it often. the layouts i developed in those pages are what i based everything else around- the a5 filofax, the personal size filofax, my travelers notebook. 

so the tl;dr: is that i've been back-filling my hobonichi this past week, with as much information as i can squeeze from previous books and my camera roll. it's going well! i had been hoping to show it all in a video, but being sick means im not sounding my best, so we'll have to wait until next week 🥲 so far i have most of august/september caught up and it hasn't bulked up *too* much, so im hoping it might not be too bad for a full year, but we'll have to see lol

as you might have guessed, i went with the black gingham 'hon' for my 2024 archive. the idea is that i have one big book to maintain, but a designated "panic" space for if/when i feel restless. for these books i'll likely be sticking with my little grey travelers notebooks! this way i can fill a couple of small books when i feel the need, but also maintain one big book for records sake. hopefully it'll all work out well 🥲

ok, i think that's everything! please let me know if you have any questions- im writing this in a bit of a foggy illness haze so im not 100% sure im making total sense lol

hopefully videos will be back on schedule next week, as well as some work i'm still behind on!

take care and speak soon, friends x





i hope u feel better soon tho!