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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing ok! just a little note to say the weather has delayed things a little- we’ve been stuck above 30 °c all week, making it near impossible to work on my ipad (overheating) or take photos upstairs. instead of frustrating myself further (🥲) i’ll just say that things are on hold this week!

the temperature is due to drop pretty substantially on tuesday, so i’ll pick back up then and hopefully have everything ready for wednesday! sorry for the wait.

i hope you’re all keeping as cool as you can 🍦

take care and speak soon, friends x



Melting here too whilst guzzling copious amounts of iced tea, wishing you cool 😎


Same here in Sweden! I want cooler temperatures & autumn, crisp air now, not this very, very hot weather 🥵 I’m not coping that well, but doing my best.