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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay. apologies for the late update this week- as you might have seen on ig, wednesday and i had a little drama on friday 🥲 thankfully she's on the mend now, but it did mean my schedule for the end of the week fell apart a bit. i'm still hoping to upload a video, but haven't had a chance to pull it together yet- hopefully in the next couple of days.

in the meantime, i've been working some more on the out-of-season halloween zine. mostly refining the pages, but putting some new ones together too. i'll attach them below so you can see ☠️

i've never made a zine in this sketchbook style before (apart from collections of existing sketchbook pages) so it's been fun to experiment with different textures and papers, layouts, etc. everything is taking me a long time recently, and i feel like my progress is very slow. but it's nice to see it coming together a little. hopefully i can finish it before halloween is actually upon us 😅

apart from that, not too much to share regrettably, some photos which i'll attach below, and hopefully a video before too long. thanks always for sticking with me through the slower weeks, hopefully things will settle down again soon!

im a little behind in my filofax/commonplace at the moment, but hoping to spent some good time catching up next week. i'll make sure to take some photos to share with you all!

take care and speak soon, friends x

p.s. is anyone using the a5/personal filofax inserts? any new feedback/requests? lmk, always happy to hear 🙇🏻‍♀️📚



I was wondering if you will update the reading/film/music logs for A5? I know you made new ones for personal size so I would love to have them for A5 too if that’s possible!! 🤍😊


I would love a A5 double page with week a and week b - they were one of your earlier designs with a bit of colour. I need weeks to be vertical so I can time block and I love the designs! Just can't make the printing work from the single pages :( All the double page A5 prints come out great!!! 🤩