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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing okay. just wanted to give you a little preview of my current “experiment.” all my doctors appointments recently have me thinking about portability again, so i’ve been testing inserts for the ‘personal’ size filofax.

the inserts are a little bigger then the official filofax pages, and there’s a little overhang as a result. it doesn’t bother me too much, and the extra .5cm is valuable space on the page, in my opinion 😅 i don’t really like how narrow the official pages are. these inserts would probably fit perfectly in smaller filofax’s, but this one has 30mm rings which i think is the primary cause of the overhang.

anyway, getting on ok with it, filling some pages gradually. testing some ideas for tracking music/albums. having a weird/hard time generally, but these little filofax experiments really are a joy. hope you find them interesting 🙇🏻‍♀️

i also added the lil sad/spooky summer stickers to the shop this morning, as you might have seen on instagram. i’d been waiting to maybe try and pull a second sheet together, but my brain feels like it’s full of tv static at the moment. the original sheet is available for you now nonetheless!

i hope you enjoy them 🍇☠️

that’s all for today. take care and speak soon, friends x



Do I see a music log 😳


as far as your worries mentioned in the video about "real" dividers maybe not working -- vertical dividers should work just fine i'd think if your pages are simply a bit wider rather than a bit taller