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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing ok!

stopping by today with some photos of my ongoing filofax "experiment" 🫢 im probably more attached than i should be at this point, but being able to create my own pages, print them, move them around and re-catagorise them at will has felt very game-changing.

this is the little front page that i made, with reminders to take my inhalers, meds, wear my glasses, write a patreon post (👀), etc. all the important things that i frequently forget to do, basically. i also moved the little charm from my hobonichi cover over- i've paper-clipped it to a bookmark so it hangs down like a little charm.

same key as always, on the back of that reminders page 🫡

weekly pages: layout obviously picked from the hobonichi cousin as i found it working so well for me. added a running task list to the middle as a little flap that can be moved across! on the back is the option for some notes in case i run out of room. still decorating very minimally with some stickers, but printing/designing them myself has allowed me to add a little extra colour, and the ability to track the weather and my mood, which is really nice. they don't feel so plain, without having added extra decorating work.

here you can see the charm a little better- the filofax ruler came with the cover but im using it as a bookmark rather than an actual ruler. as an actual ruler, i've hole-punched my trusty hobonichi pencil board because i'm a bit attached to it lol 🥲 i've changed books a few times this year already, but the pencil board has moved with me each time. these bits are currently separating my weekly planning pages from my brain drain/commonplace pages.

underneath the rulers, i have this little book tracker, though this side is film and tv. i drew it to look somewhere between a receipt and a library card, which im not sure makes total sense, but that's where it ended up 💭 i think its cute tho!

printing my own pages has also led to me experimenting with illustrating in the margins beforehand- this was an article from rolling stone magazine about cd's, so it was nice to add some drawings and break all the text up a little. the article is 7 pages 🫣 nice to be able to print something so long, though.

and then some more regular commonplace/brain drain bits:

that's all i've got so far! i expected writing with the rings to be an annoyance, or opening and closing the rings to get irritating, but so far i don't mind either. i do normally remove the pages to write, but i kind of like that as i often found my hand falling off the page a bit in the hobonichi cousin, when i neared the bottom of the page (if that makes sense?) because the book was so thick. so far this is all comfortable!

im not sure. i like it a lot. it feels very freeing autistically speaking, and although i learnt a lot from my month in the hobonichi cousin, i cant help but feel my dad was right when he said this seemed like the next logical evolution 🫣 it's very fun to be able to create my own pages, to print them, the tactility of cutting, folding, gluing, punching them. being able to move them all around! archive them when things start to feel a bit full, etc.

i'll keep you updated! if any of you are interested in these pages as printables, please let me know what kind of size and formats you'd be looking for. quite a few people seemed interested after the last video, so i'll work on it! but it would be useful to know what you'd all like, as i've created these pages a bit hyper-specifically for myself lol.

hope this nice long post was a welcome appearance after some quieter weeks 🙇🏻‍♀️ hopefully i'll keep having fun and be able to share more with you soon!

take care and speak soon, friends x

oh! edit to say that i forgot to add my silly little pocket photos:

they're just bulk-printed bits to add to my commonplace when i'm ready for them, but i think they look a little satisfying in there! ✂️


Ollie 🐞

oh boy Megan you are a dangerous influence... but also, could you link the RS article you printed? It looks interesting!


I just love all of this & by the look of it, & by reading your thoughts here, it feels like you’re able to be more creative & customise everything as you need. I’m looking forward to seeing how this unfolds more for you & thank you for sharing! ✨🙏🏼