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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing ok!

just wanted to pop on and say hi 🙇🏻‍♀️ it's been quiet so far this week as i'm still trying to wrap up the client bits i mentioned last week. the work is from last year and was put on hold, but is now taking me a little longer than i'd hoped to finish 🥲 unfortunate timing as i was really relieved to be taking a break from client work (and the communications, especially) but hopefully it will be done soon and i can finish getting ready for this shop update.

apart from that, only a small gloomy update for you-

the final test prints arrived~

i ended up choosing a different paper stock that's a little less grey and a little more cream/white to help compliment other papers (for if they're stuck in a notebook, for example). this paper stock is 300gsm, so it's thick, smooth and hopefully durable lol. it's also lightly flecked, so it looks really pretty when it catches the light 🥺💞 

hopefully i can push on with this all soon! thank you for your support and patience so far. i cant wait to hopefully share them with you all soon ☠️

take care and speak soon, friends x



Exciting, with the test prints :)


Hello! Newbie here. How can I order the gloomies? :)