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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing ok! it’s been a little bit since my last post- sorry about that. getting ill at the beginning of the month really threw me off kilter so i’ve been struggling to get back on top of things. with patreon, the temptation is always to wait until i have something “worth” posting, or waiting until i have a little more to share (a few more photos, some illustration work, a video, etc)- a habit i think i’ll have to work on breaking in the coming year 💭

christmas for us was ok but mostly busy- our parents are separated so we spend a lot of the time travelling, and it’s always a relief to be back home.

for the last couple of days i’ve been trying to rest- filming for the attic archives over christmas meant i had a lot of editing to cram in when i got back, so i’ve found myself a bit tired 😅 we’ve been playing board games and watching films in the evening, which has been lovely, but my brother will return home in a couple of days and everything will be back to normal 📑💻

i spent yesterday working on some new ideas- little ghost characters that could be adapted into charms or talismans. i’m working on a sticker sheet to include in the january shop reopening, and would like to make some enamel pins at some point too- and maybe other stuff, but i’m not sure yet 💭

i don’t know how popular they’ll be. for a lot of the evening i drew ghosts from prompts and requests on tumblr, which was a nice way to try and push the idea a bit.

and finally, one for luck:

for now, that’s all i have. i’ll keep working on the sticker sheets in the coming weeks, so if you have any feedback from the december sticker orders, please leave your thoughts in the comments! i’ll update you as i go 🙇🏻‍♀️

take care and speak soon, friends. i hope the coming year is kind to you x



I commented already on your IG but it's worth saying again. These little ghosts are so precious! Just looking at them makes me feel safe and cozy.


I absolutely adore these little ghosts! So sweet.