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hi everyone, I hope you're all doing ok!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates in the last week- we had a little chaos and confusion in our household over the halloween week/weekend which I pushed through, but feel like I've spent the last week involuntarily processing. it's made me feel very slow and hazy. I've done a little drawing but I hate all of it, which is adding to the frustration. 

just overall feeling a little trapped and cornered artistically recently, though im not sure why and im not coping with it very well. very art blocked 🫠 I have ideas but I can't seem to make anything work, and spend hours going around in illustrative circles with nothing to show for it. 

anyway, all of that aside, I'll be working on the notebook/planner update video today- we haven't had any workable light at all yet this week, so im really hoping the weather pulls through at some point today. I've been working out the final kinks in my notebook system and I'm excited to share it with you all 🙇🏻‍♀️

thanks, as always, for your patience.

take care and speak soon, friends x



Im so happy you pushed thru. As long as you're healthy that is all that matters. Be well


I'm sorry you're feeling blocked and I hope you feel better soon! I'm excited to see what you're doing now with your notebook system (but no rush or pressure--your wellbeing is more important!). I think I finally have a planner/notebook system that I will actually use next year, but it'll be nice to see what someone else does.

Megan Rhiannon ✸

thanks marina! I just uploaded the new video and linked it here on patreon- hope you enjoy it! I also love to see how other people are working, even when I think I've finally cracked my own system. someone else always has *something* to think about 🫢