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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay! i'm sorry for no post last week- it was one of those ones where i was busy but not in a fun-illustration way, just in a quiet life task sort of way. nonetheless I have some small bits to share 😌

first, some client work- it hasn't launched yet so please don't share it anywhere, but i'm really happy with it and would like to show you all what I've been working on this last month. the poem is really wonderful, and it's been a small joy to get to illustrate it for the author.

the most exciting thing to happen recently was that i got a new camera- it's one i've been looking at for over a year and am really really excited about. i miss documenting small bits while i'm out, and sometimes i feel nervous or a little uninspired when using just my phone. test-running the camera while running errands last week was a special feeling- a little like when i was living in cambridge a few years ago and taking photos felt as easy as breathing. i'm looking forward to getting a little better again, and maybe printing up some small photography zines with time. 

they're not the best photos, but i'm looking forward to getting better at it again with a little time and practice  📷☁️

and finally, my nails for the month 🍇 probably the least interesting update, but something i like to document nonetheless.

take care and speak soon, friends x



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