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hi everyone, i hope you’re all doing okay. sorry for not posting these last few days since christmas- it’s been one of those periods where i’ve somehow simultaneously felt busy but not really gotten much done (nothing worth sharing, at least).

i hope the new year is treating you kindly so far, and that the winter break was one of warmth and rest. some photos to catch you up (though most are already on instagram, sorry about that- back to normal now) 📸

the hopeful possibility that i mentioned in my previous post pulled through- my brother swapped bedrooms with me while he’s away at uni. we were meant to be moving this year, but it looks more as though it’ll be 2023, so he was kind enough to swap so that i can get some daylight 😅🌤 this means i’ll hopefully be able to start documenting and sharing much more again- everything is easier to photograph with a little light. hopeful that it will also help me begin to recover from the burnout that i’ve had for a couple of years, my mental health has been suffering a lot. but anyway 🙇🏻‍♀️

working on some client work this week, so probably won’t have any sketchbook updates for a few days. have redacted the company but attached the illustrations so you can see what i’m working on 😌🖍

bonus wednesday content:

take care, friends. speak soon x


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