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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay!

just something small today, as i ended up picking up a bad cold while away 🤧 feeling a bit overwhelmed and hazy, but wanted to pull a video (and some filofax pages) together for the bog while it's all still fresh. it's only short but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless 🌾

apart from that, some photos! i haven't had a chance to check my camera properly yet, but if there's anything good i'll make sure to update you. i think i mentioned this in the little instant messenger side of patreon, but we seemed to be visiting just out of season! everything was a bit brown and mushy, lots and lots of mud, and i didn't get to see some of the plants i'd hoped. the moss was really giving its all though, and the cotton grass was just starting to peep out. it was a really lovely experience regardless, and i hope i've managed to capture some of the atmosphere and colours for you in the video.

i had really wanted to film a lil filofax update with some thoughts about travel planning, but it might have to wait until im back from canada 🥲 at the moment it sounds like my lungs are full of loose gravel lol- it's not ideal, and i don't really want to be sick when i leave next week ✈️ i'll only be away for approx. four days, so i might make a combined travelling/travel journalling video of some sort.

some other assorted photos:

will hopefully spend the rest of this week resting and gently prepping for next week, so apologies in advance if it gets a little quiet. will try to hang around and update you in the messenger if i end up working on anything interesting!

take care and speak soon, friends x


bog vlog | drumburgh moss ✸

open me for info/links! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ ------------------------------- ✸ my shop: https://www.megan-rhiannon.com/shop ------------------------------- ✸ links: twitter & ig: @petite_gloom https://www.patreon.com/petite_gloom ✸ contact: meganrhiannonillustration@gmail.com


Alma Moreno

Such a peaceful vlog, loved it so much. Also saw your post on tumblr, I hope you know how many more of us there are here to see what sparks your interest with no demands on what content you “should” be posting. Don’t let those few shitty comments get to you. Post what you want, I’m here to see anything you want to share💕

Pixie Unger

That’s a nice looking bog


I have just booked in a bog date with my mate tomorrow night, hoping to find some Somerset offerings 😂