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hi everyone, i hope you're all doing okay. happy friday 🙇🏻‍♀️

i don't have too much to share this week as it was a bit of a quiet/hazy one, mostly i worked on the things shown in the video. i'll attach some photos/screenshots of it all below. 

i'll be in bristol over the weekend, so i'll pop back on sunday if i have any photos to share 📷

an update about the giveaway (just so you know i haven't forgotten): i returned my kodak printer due to the artefact that was printing at the top of the images- hopefully they'll refund most of the amount (despite the missing film pack) so i can try it again. will arrange the giveaway for when all of the experiments are over 📦 appreciate your patience in the meantime.

all that being said, i hope you enjoy the video! it was nice to make another little filofax update this week.

take care and speak soon, friends x


a filofax infodump | ep. 5 ✸ small updates, making special interest binders

open me for info/links! ᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ ------------------------------- ✸ my shop: https://www.megan-rhiannon.com/shop ------------------------------- ✸ links: twitter & ig: @petite_gloom https://www.patreon.com/petite_gloom ✸ contact: meganrhiannonillustration@gmail.com





Hey Megan, i use rainbow plastic binders the same as the clear ones you’re now using. I’ve had them for at least 3 years and no signs of mould or any other issues. My house is pretty prone to damp also x