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Hello everyone, hope you are doing well!

This is a wrap-up for February and update for March's schedule.


- Worked on my game a bunch
- Other projects took a pause
- Why no January stream
- Thanks for staying!

  • Reward Stream Dates
    - February 2024 Stream Dates
    Friday, March 8 – Sunday, March 10
    - March 2024 Stream Dates  Friday, March 15 – Sunday, March 17
  • Current Variety Comic finishing this month
  • Vacation at end of month


February Wrap-Up

So this month has gone by super-quick and has been odd in terms of my work.

I put forth a major effort to really getting my Yokai game going, and I think it is paying off. I made a design bible, UI assets, new ideas for gameplay, a call for other artists to contribute, and animation planning as well!

The downside of working on the game has been some other parts of my work had to take a pause. Honestly, I was a bit burnt out from the monthly comics and at the same time completing commissions.  Luckily, the Alana the Pervert series has a good backlog of completed comics, so there was no break in posting them each week.

I also had to cancel the January patron stream for the rewards, a lot was going on IRL, so I never had the time. I will be completing them as I can and will keep those who are owed them updated on things.

To everyone, I appreciate all those who joined and all those that stay with me even during the bumpy times like this. The variety comics will resume this coming week!


Reward Weekends of March

Since I am behind again on rewards streams, I will be spending the first three weekends of this month doing the rewards and streaming.

  • January 2024 Rewards
    I will not be streaming the January rewards, but I will devote March 2, 3 & 4 to completing them offline and sending them out.
  • February 2024 Stream Dates
    Friday, March 8 – Sunday, March 10
  • March 2024 Stream Dates
    Friday, March 15 – Sunday, March 17

I'll be starting around 11:00am EST each day and stream on picarto.tv/dsan

If you would like to upgrade your reward to have color or an additional character, you can use 2 months of rewards for a single piece.

You do not have to attend the streams, but please make sure you send in your requests before the end of the week!

To receive your rewards, please follow these instructions!
How To Claim Your Reward


Variety Comic

The variety comic "Cup O' Love: Extraction" will finish this month.

I'll spend some time to make about 8 more pages of the story, and release 2 pages each week. Then I will spend the first week of April to start coming up with the next story idea, most likely based on my Yokai game I am working on.



I will be going on a vacation (finally) at the end of March from the dates of
Friday, March 22 – Sunday, March 31

I will not be available for communication at this time and will have things setup in advance as well.


Thank you all again for being a part of my patreon campaign. You all have consistantly kept me going every day and I really hope you are happy supporting my work. 

Take care and have a good March!





Let’s rock!