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Hey everyone!

Just wanted to give you all a general update and news for this week and next.



First, just wanted to let you all know the past months Patreon rewards have been completed. February was a rough month but it's all over now, thank goodness!

So with that in mind, I wanted to start getting this months rewards underway now instead of later. I will be handling things a bit differently this month regarding that.



For this week and next week, I will not be streaming as much as I usually do. As of right now, my schedule is all over the place and I can't find a solid 8 hours to devote to streaming. If I attempted to stream, most likely I would have to stop after 4 hours to go do something, or make a promised time that I couldn't keep. 

So for just the next 2 weeks, I think I will take a break from streaming, but will return to regular streaming schedule once things have started working out on my end.



What does this mean for the Patreon Rewards Weekend Stream?

No worries, I will simply be working on the rewards a few at a time each day for the next two weeks instead, and mailing them out accordingly. This method is something I've always tried to implement, but never had the chance to do. This is the best chance to do it.

So if you are a Latte or Barista tier patron, I will send out private messages to you all a bit later today, or if you are used to it, go ahead and send them in now like you already have before.



Now for comic news!

Cup O' Love will continue to update weekly as it has, no changes to that.

The 12 page comic Cam Switch,  will be be updated hopefully by the weekend with two pages, most likely by Sunday or late Monday.

I am currently drafting up a new comic for contract job at the moment, and more details will come soon on that. 

This contract comic is also one of the reasons for the streaming hiatus, as it is a larger project that will take quite a bit of time on my part, and the details are NDA at the moment. It will be completed by the beggining of April.

Also, I will be starting up another new webcomic after the contract one is complete, and will be something I hope to have a lot of fun with and I will share details with you all as they come. :)



So thats everything!

 There certainly is a lot going on right now, but I will manage to keep you all in the loop and get high-quality content to you  as best I can!

I would like to thank each and every one of you for being part of my Patreon campaign. Your continued pledges and encouragement are things that directly support me in continuing to create fun & sexy art, and I am truly grateful to you all!!!



Is the contract comic a Dsan production or a real-world-real-name affair? I mean, I assume it'll have either "Dsan" or that other name written on the cover somewhere once it's released so you might be able to say now, but if not then, well, that's NDAs for you. Anyway, sensible decision on the rewards. I'm certainly happy to just let you do your thing with my sketch. Good luck with things, Dsan. Especially with the contracted work. Getting a route into the big leagues would be an awesome thing.


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