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Current chapter!

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Cup O' Love is undergoing some changes, but Mya and Janet are still the same as always.


Hello everyone! Guess what? We're back!

After a much-needed break and some time to think, I'm ready to get things rolling again, and in a new direction!

Cup O' Love is undergoing a format change and a redesign, so things will be getting a bit different.

First, the girls have gotten a slight redesign, and will also be getting a few more changes soon. The new look will make the girls closer to how I originally intended them to 'feel' with a more stylized design, and new-ish art direction as well for the overall look of the comic.

Second, the format of the story is changing as well. I am going for a more webcomic progression, where it will be less of a chapter-based story, and more of an arc-based storyline. There will still be development of the girls' relationship, but just less restricted by being in a single chapter.

Also, the story will take place a lot more in the actual coffee shop, and new characters will be coming in a lot more as well!

I'm excited to try something new with Mya and Janet, and I hope you all like the new direction the comic will be taking.




Man, Janet works fast.


I was a little worried about how extreme Janet's redesign was. She looked a little like a Peanuts character in a couple of images... But I think this is a good look for her.


For me, I am not the best at being consistent from panel to panel or page to page. The redesign model is more of a guideline for me, rather than a concrete rule. Basically, Janet was always meant to be a shy, skinny gal, but I just ended up making her thicker and thicker over time. 😅 Also, the face design may have been the part that most people were worried about, but fret not, I have their faces committed to muscle memory, so they will never be too "off" from what people are used too.


loving the comic and redesigns


Yeah. I could definitely feel that that was an intention with the redesign. Not making her "ugly", but definitely resetting her to more of the nerdy girl archetype. I think it's a good idea. It's definitely turning the clock back to the drawings of the early comics and the comms I have from 2016-2018. On that note, some of my early commissions are coming up to their tenth birthdays...


Honestly I'm not really into Futa, but the concept of a thick woman with a skinny partner always gets me and I'm glad your continuing this comic.


Hmmm I have to say I really am unsure what to make of Janets new design. It just feels like several steps back in quality instead of improving it. I mean take the last panel of Cold Brew put both next to each other and I dare you to say the redesign looks better. What I mean is the old one looks like some actual work and the redesign looks more like a doodle made for fun in ones free time. Am I really the only one to think that??


I understand the redesign is different from previous iterations of Janet, but this is part of the reformat that I am trying out. I want them to be easier to draw so I can do it more often and keep the longevity of the series going. There's a reason why it took 3 years to finish the last chapter, and part of it was trying to keep up with the style I had found myself drawing the comic in. I will continue to refine Janet's look, but for the most part, it's more in-line with her original ideation that I made in 2014.