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Hey everybody!

Thank you so much for your support from last month to this month, I truly appreciate and love you all! :D

Now just an update to let you all know the status of things. :)

Taking this first week to work on commissions and the like; next week will resume the comic pages like usual.

Definitely going to get 2 pages of Cam Switch out, and of course a Cup O' Love page. 

Will also be expirmenting with a few comic concepts for the future, which will take the place of the CYOA for a bit. (Don't worry it will return soon!)

Will also be making a streaming schedule so everyone can keep track of things as well. 

Last bit of news is that I wam going to make an extra effort to get the next episode of my Dirty Ink podcast out this month!

Also, curious if you all would be interested in a Twitch Game Day as well? Something for everyone really, but wanted to get opinions on if anyone would watch me play some vidja?


Thats it for the monthly update! Stay tuned for more lewd art! :D





I could watch some vidya.


Game Day sounds great.