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Hey all!

Just wanted to give you an update on things and what to look forward to this month.


  • Patreon Stream Dates, Dec. 3-5 & Upgrades available
  • Regular comic updates, Cup O' Love plans
  • Christmas break, Dec. 21-25
  • New Game "My Office is Full of Yokai"


Patron Reward Streams

So to start, I will be hosting the Reward streams on the following dates

  • October Reward stream will be December 3-5
  • November Reward stream will be December 10-12
  • December Reward stream will be January 7-9

Now, regarding the October and November rewards owed, I would like to offer upgrades for eligible patrons who pledged for both months. 

This would be using October and Novembers rewards for once piece of art instead of two.

If you would like, you can either add a secondary character to the drawing, or add more details & colors to your reward.
Or you may upgrade a past reward as well in the same manner.

This is completely optional, but I want to give you the option if you are eligible for it.

And as always, please start sending in your emails with your request 

To receive your rewards, please follow these instructions!
How To Claim Your Reward



Curtain Jerk is underway now, and I hope you all are enjoying it.

There will be more regular update for it, 2 pages a week from this point on. It just takes a lot of planning to get a new comic started sometimes. ;p

I am still trying to plan out what I would like to do with Cup O' Love as well, it's been challenging to say the least.

For the most part, I still want to wrap-up the last chapter of Cold Brew with at least 2-3 more pages before closing it out. I may just have to go quick and dirty with it instead of polished.

After that, I want to take just a bit more time to come up with a good alternative for Mya and Janet, they deserve better than to just disappear like they have.

I want to try and make them in a more simplistic and fun format, like a series of one-off illustrations or daily-comic style, where you have a gag/sexy situation each week in a single page.

Ultimately, I want to keep Cup O' Love going, but just in a new and manageable way.


Christmas Break

I'll be taking time off from work around Christmastime, from the 21-25.

There will still be comics released during this time.


New Game Project

Work has begun on my next game under Dirty Ink Games, and I'll slowly be making headway on it throughout the next few months.

The game is called "My Office is Full of Yokai" based on the comic series I made of the similar title.

It's going to be a maze-puzzle game with animations and updated designs of the characters from the comics.

Updates can be found on my other Patreon campaign at https://www.patreon.com/dirtyinkgames 


That is pretty much it for the updates!

Thank you all again for your support, and I hope you have a good December!


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