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Hello everyone!

November has been a tough month for me, ending the current chapter of Cup O' Love, planning the new comics and trying to get rewards completed has been really difficult to acheive.

I understand it can be frustrating to pledge to a Patreon campaign and not see the content, it sucks, but I want you all to know that this campaign has always tried to deliver on its promises and will continue to do so regardless of these hiccups in service.

Your continued support means everything to me and I want to personally thank each of you for pledging to my campaign.

I will be trying to get the remaining rewards out before December 1 rolls around, and I'll have a new comic page or 2 ready by the end of the week. The content you paid for will arrive I assure you.

So as we approach the last few days of November, please make sure that your own finances are in order and your pledge is set correctly.

Every single dollar pledged directly helps me keep doing what I'm doing. It's because of you wonderful people that I have a roof over my head and I'm truly thankful for that.

I will be streaming tomorrow, Wednesday, doing rewards and taking on commissions at picarto.tv/dsan if you would like to join me for the fun!

Thank you all again and I will continue to do my best for you!





Hey it's all cool as long as you are doing okay


There is no problem at all. Still supporting you and no reason to stop. Don't panic. Everybody needs to go slower sometimes. Don't hesitate to take a break, you're human, like us. Thank you for the great job !!


No Prob man, you do what you gotta o(~w~)d


It is nice of you to check in like this, that last comic was.... unreal. I've.... read it quite a few times now.