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-Current Status-

Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you guys know that the final batch of Rewards will be done Tuesday.

I have to postpone it until then because I need to take care of some Cat-related issues today (Monday) 

I Will be completing the following reward sketches Tuesday:  

Darkside, Aabsurdity, Kryten, Toko, Mamimi, Mark and Will123 


-Comics News-

In other update news, I will be starting the next Bi-weekly comic next week!

A brand new story with brand new characters. I've been thinking of doing a story that focuses on a Trans Couple, (TransMale and TransFemale)

If that sounds good for you all then let me know your thoughts on it! 

Also, the CYOA comic has been a bit late due to all the commissions I'm currently working through, but I will kick it back into 4th gear starting next week.

Cup O' Love will continue as scheduled, made on Wednesday and uploaded that same night for Thursday.


-Podcast News-

Last bit of news, I will have the podcast out by the end of the week. It's going to be a short episode just by myself. Next month's will have another interview though!


That wraps things up for now, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and I will try to accommodate the best I can.

Thank you all again for your support and patience, I truly appreciate it and love you all! *3*



I like that trans couple comic idea D