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Hey everyone!

Hope your June has been going well!

Just wanted to give you an update on things overall today.


  • Game almost done
  • Gym Partner resuming
  • Rewards Stream at end of month
  • Getting back to work


Sequoia State

We will be finishing our current workload for the game this week, and I am relieved and stressed to almost be there, haha.

Basically, we have two new paths available this June 23 for the steam sale and will push an update to the game when it is time.

Then in about 3 months, there will be the final update to the game. Luckily, it won't be as intensive as this month has been to get that last part done.

But yeah, almost at the finish line for this month's goals!


Gym Partner Comic

I'll be resuming the comic this weekend and should have it up by Sunday or Monday with a bunch of new pages!


Reward Streams

Should be able to do the May rewards on the last few days of the month if all goes well.

I will try to have the June rewards stream the following weekend, but will determine a date after I do the May stream.


Other things

I will probably spend most of my time next month completing commissions. With the game stuff taking up less of my time, I can devote it to knocking those out quickly.

I'll also be working on my next comic page for KennoArkkan this week as well!
(Sorry for the delay, Kenno! >.< )


All in all, things have been going well on my end, and I will get back to regular updates very soon! :D


Kenno Arkkan

dont worry dude :O you're doin great 🙏


<p style="color: #008600;">As far as Sequoia State, I'm so glad you're at the finish line. It's been a long but exciting journey!</p>