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Hey y'all!

Just wanted to keep you posted on the status of things.

TLDR; Bathroom wall is damaged, need to fix, comics are coming soon.


I'm still working on the next few comic pages and will have them out in time for this week, so I thank you for your patience!

Just have to take a bit of time away from things to deal with my game, as well as fixing my house's bathroom! :D

Basically, I am renting a house this year, and it is OLD.

So because of the nature of living in an old home, a leaky pipe has caused an entire bathroom wall to rot away, and now we have to have the next few days getting it repaired.

This means people coming and going through our home, which isn't the best time to be drawing a girl getting gang banged by animal people in front of a live audience.


But don't worry, when the new pages are done, there will be PLENTY of good content to see. Since all the pages are planned out, all I have to do is get them inked and colored, which takes less time than planning them out.

Also, I'll probably be able to get November's Patron rewards done the last week of the month. Will have exact dates as we get closer to it.

Feel free to ask any questions or check out my Discord server as well if you haven't already.

Have a Happy Turkey Day to those in the states! Eat well and rest!




Okay, I think you can handle both the renovation of the bathroom wall and the comic pages. Great Luck!