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Hey everyone! Update time.

I'll have the next page out this weekend, just running a bit behind on my schedule.

Since it's the end of June, you will start getting charged Friday, July 1.

This month has been a little different than most. A lot of people changed their pledges, gained a bunch of new patrons and some have left, and that's totally fine with me. The only strange thing is there is never any feedback regarding it.

So I wanted to pose some questions to everyone who pledges, from the Tip Jar patrons to the Baristas;

How has your experience with my Patreon campaign been?

What do you like about it?

What don't you like about it?

What can I do to make it better?

Please let me know if there is anything that can be done to make my Patreon and webcomic better than it is now! I may make some changes to how rewards work too, not sure yet.

All in all, I just want to say thanks to everyone who supports me here, it means everything to me that so many people like mmy art!

And thats it!

Talk to you all later!




haha, I actually removed all my other patron stuff. But not yers. ALWAYS FAITHFUL. *thumps the bible of Dsan*


Hey Dsan! My favorite thing about the patreon of course is being able to see your art and your webcomic. Honestly my only gripe is that capuccino tier takes a backseat to latte and barrista tier. I know you set a time and day for these two so maybe you can fit commissions as well. At least those in cappuccino tier since its paid through the patreon. Ive been on capuccino for two months and its a bit of a bummer when you see all the lattes and barristas being done for the new month. That being said I still love seeing all those sketches and comic pages and look forward to being a patron on one tier or another! Oh and I liked the Q&A you did a couple months ago. Would be nice to see those every now and then :) Thanks Dsan for all the great work!


Disposable income fluctuates. I have to stop after July for example because of "things". Also, too many sketches not enough comic pages. Zdemian and Fred Perry ruin perceptions of workload.

Dark Side

You have a great, accessible Patreon and a lot of rewards, but it could benefit A LOT from some cleaning up. Here are a few ideas I have: 1) Lose the $3, it seems completely redundant. 2) Probably set yourself time to work on an actual monthly wallpaper that you can finish within the space of a month, possibly over the course of one stream. Last I remember, we voted on one back in November... 3) Make PSDs a general reward instead of being tier specific and post them consistently with each new update. 4) I think it would be a good idea to update the Patreon with daily content. This doesn't mean uploading a new comic page each day, but it could be anything, including sketches, WIPs, commissions, personal work, monthly wallpaper, etc. I guess just keep the Patreon active and everyone invested. 5) Giving the $10 tier a more unique reward, like a head/bust sketch or a chibi sketch. You may or may not want to limit this in case you get overwhelmed by requests. 6) The $30 tier doesn't seem to benefit from its reward or many subscribers. I say, merge the $20 and $30 tiers and make it a $25 tier. Give patrons who sub to it the option of either getting a single, or getting a coupon. On top of this, you can add these reward options to the $50 tier, giving them even more options. Just a handful of ideas and suggestions I thought up looking at how you laid things out. Other than that, I guess going back to a more consistent schedule and giving yourself more time to work on stuff when you need to. Sorry for the bother, just thought I'd chip in. :3