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Hey all, hope all is well!

This is going to be a wrap-up of things that happened this month and some updates for next month. It's been hectic, but I'm still getting back into the swing of things.


- Game Crunch; been busy this month for big step in game-dev

- October & February rewards are coming, first+second weekend of November

- Comics; more Perverted this Sunday. Cup O' Love chapter done before end of year.

- Dsan's Well-Being; Doing ok and getting back to normal.


Game Crunch Time

I've been spending this week getting things ready for my upcoming game, Hard Times at Sequoia State,

We are going to take the next big step soon and are just making sure everything is prepped and ready for it! I can't go into too much detail at the moment, but it's going to be great. :)

All in all, most of my time this month has been spent on the game, so the lack of output of comics and rewards is mainly due to that. But once we get this ball rolling, things will become a lot easier for me and I can get back to my standard output speed for comics. 


October & February Reward Streams

So the reward stream for October will take place the first weekend of November, Friday 5 through Sunday 7.

Understandably, I know that this Halloween weekend would be best to get them done, but some IRL plans have come up that I want to be a part of.

The game takes priority right now, and I have to catch up on the last few rewards from September as well. (Don't worry, I haven't forgotten!)

Also, I still owe the rewards from February, which I will try to get done in November too. Most likely I'll take a second weekend to get those accomplished.



First, I will have a new page or two of Perverted up this weekend, probably Sunday. That will fill the minimum with 4 pages for the month.

This comic was planned to be a BIG one from the start, and It's getting into the final act as well. :D

As for Cup O' Love, I will be wrapping up the current chapter of Cold Brew up this month as well. It's been a year again and only a single chapter is getting done. TTATT

Once Cold Brew is complete, I'm going to take some time to retool the series a bit, so that it becomes more manageable for me and enjoyable for everyone to read.

Thanks to those that are so patient with me while I work on things, I haven't forgotten how much Mya and Janet mean to everyone, and I intend to do right by them.


Dsan's Well-Being

This month has been a little rough, I'll admit. It seems every artist has periods where things just don't go our way. But I've been doing my best to maintain myself and make sure that I don't burn out from all the issues that arise. 

At the beginning of the month, there was an issue with a person that prompted me to take a break from being online and on the computer. 

I took the time needed to be outside, care for my wife, and to care for a new pet in my home. 

It has helped a lot to get me feeling better again, and I've lowly gotten back to work and feel good about things in general. :)

Again, when things settle down I'll probably explain what's been going on, but for now all I can do is continue to work and keep healthy. 


That pretty much wraps things up for now!

I'll keep doing my best as I always have to get some fun comics out to you all.

And a big thank you to everyone that has joined my Patreon recently, all of you coming here to see my work makes it all worth it! I truly appreciate the support!

Have a spooky Halloween everyone!




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