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Hey there everybody!

Time for a start of the month update. Gonna be a bit short this time.


Burnout, New comic soon, Cup O love planning.


Dsan Output

The last couple months I've had some lowered output of content, and I thank you all who have continued to stick around during the slump.

It mainly stems from end of the year blues and trying to relocate myself for next year. Had lots of ups and downs because of it. Things are fine, but it's just taken up a lot of processing power on my end trying to get things sorted out.

Mostly, it's just a bit of burnout from the home stuff and other things, like figuring out book printing,  catching up on rewards (finally caught up), trying to prioritize the game I'm working on and just generally trying to come up with new ideas for stories and art.

I'll do my best to give you all something good to read and enjoy this week and for the rest of the month as well. :)


New Comic later today 

Going to be working on the new comic today, and will continue it until the start of next month. No set number of pages, and will be quick and dirty. Will be about a crossdressing enbie that loves to try out various adult toys! Still have to think of a title though...


Cup O' Love

The latest chapter had been going pretty well, but it's been since September since it last updated. I'll be planning out the rest of the chapter and resuming it hopefully before the end of the month.


That's about it for now, I'll let you know when the new comic drops!

Thank you all again for your continued support and hope your December is going well!




Kenno Arkkan

You're relocating again? x_X shit man, moving bloooows and you do it so often ;w; (not that you're at fault, im sure you have your reasons!) Your latest comics have felt a lot more free-hand and laid back, and that's something i love to see from anybody's art, but specially in comics. You have so many different projects! You're a renaissance man.


Looking forward to new Cup o' Love content, and seeing all the rest of the stuff you have planned. Make sure you relax over the holiday though. Burnout hits you and your work in all kinds of ways and there's no way to compensate for all of them. Take your time and recover right.


Well then, cheer up a little and good luck! There are only a few days left until the end of the year, I really can't believe this, that this terrible year will end. And so...we are looking forward to the new comic!