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Hey everyone!

Time for some quick news and updates!

-September Recap, things were slow and busy.
-New pages of exclusive comic Ice Blend coming out today.
-Cup O' Love print books ordered!
-September Patron Reward stream coming soon, send in requests.



Recapping September first. Last month was a low-output month for sure, had a lot going on in the background regarding IRL stuff like exploring new places to live. Nothing bad though! Just finally upgrading my life of living in an apartment to living in a home of my own! (It's mentally exhausting to be honest.)
It's still in the early phases of things, mostly just looking at potential places and that's about it. Within the next few months there should be more progress made on things.


Going to get the month started with new pages of Ice Blend today! Will be putting out as many as I can manage, hopefully 3. I'll also be streaming the comics today too at picarto.tv/dsan
So come join me if you want to see them being made! The pages I finish will be uploaded by tonight.

Print Books

So I submitted my files to a printer that does perfect bound comic books, now I'm just waiting on a proof to be delivered within the next week. After the proof is approved, I will be getting 25 copies of Cup O' Love by the October 29!

For these first 25 books, I will be opening up sales only here on Patreon first. Once that batch is sold, I can start ordering 25 more copies of Cup O' Love as well as 25 copies each of all of my other comics! If all goes well and all comics sell, I can basically start ordering more and more for a backstock of comics, readily available anytime. :D

I'll make another post regarding pre-orders and all the details of the release. ;)

September Patron Rewards

I just managed to finish August's rewards this past week, so things are a bit behind on my end. I will try to do September's rewards early this month and October's rewards later this month.

So if you pledged in September to the reward tiers, please send in your requests! I will make another post a few days before I plan to do the next reward stream asking again.


That's everything I think!

I'm really excited about the books and hope you all are as well!

Let me know if any of you have questions and I'll do my best to answer them. :)

Thank you all again for your continued support and all the love!





We hope then that this month will be the most productive and good luck finding a new place!