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Yo yo yo everybody!

Time for another update!

Today we are going to talk a bit more about this month and the next. To start, let's iron out some kinks with the current Patreon rewards. 

At the start of the month, I still have 4 patrons who did not receive their monthly sketches yet, sorry peeps! I will be doing them this week. 

After that, I will be doing this month's Patrons sketches for $20 and $50 tier in two batches--I'll have a date for you after this week.

Also, I will be changing the Patreon rewards sketches. They have been really hard to keep up with lately due to the amount of them. 

So here's what I'm thinking;

$5 - New voting poll for Monthly Wallpaper instead of comic stories.

 - Since I will be focusing on the main webcomic and some other comics, a second comic is difficult to achieve at this point.

 - A Monthly Wallpaper gives people a chance to have something nice to use as a desktop wallpaper instead!

 - All tiers above can vote as well.

$20 - Single Character Full-Color Sketch

 - Single characters are faster and easier for me to render out, which means you will get them faster, and it reflects more of my current sketch pricing.

$50 - A choice of a  Full-Color Sketch or a Personal 1-page Comic Layout.
 - Since the comic is still 1 page a week until next month, I want to give people a chance to see their OC's in comics. 

 - So you have a choice between a full sketch with up to 3 characters, or a full comic page layout instead. (Sketch quality) These will be included in the webcomic as 1-shot stories that are canon to Cup O' Love.

$1, $3, $10 and $30 tiers have no changes.

This will go into effect November! So when you pledge in November and pay December 1-5, you will be getting the new rewards.

This does NOT affect pledges for October, paying on November 1-5.
So you have a month to get ready for the change.

I hope that's all easy to understand. Again, the reason for the changes is to make things a bit more manageable and fair for everyone. I hate being late on reward sketches a lot, and this will help speed things up and give people what they pay for.

If you have any comments, critiques or questions, please, please, PLEASE share them with me! You can post in the comments or contact me directly at dsanhentai@gmail.com any time!

Love you all!



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