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Hey everyone!

Sorry for the downtime, but I finally have things in order and can start back up with things!

To start this off, today is the Patreon Powered Sketch stream, where I'll be drawing requests from the upper tier patrons. Come watch today and tonight!


Also tomorrow, this Sunday 20th, I'll be working on the next two pages of the comic! I am planning on working till I finish them both and will also be streaming too. 

In other news I suppose I can finally talk about the website. 

Since the last week of August I have been in talks with Slipshine about the site, which hopefully will happen before the end of Seltember. The plan is to have my comic hosted exclusively on their servers, and the best part is it will still be totally FREE for all! 

I'm basically getting hosting so that I can continue to make a steady adult web-comic with no paywall at all. 

Last bit of news, comic chapters, stories and characters!

I'll be getting new chapters out after the current one is complete and will also be doing smaller self contained comics as well for patrons. Expect to see new characters pop up and get involved with Mya and Janet and more!

Well that's all I got for now, and again feel free to hit me up with any questions or feedback. :)





Welcome Back , I wish you good luck for your future projects ^_^