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Hey folks!

Just wanted to let you know that almost all of the patron pledges are processed, only a few left. Once they have all gone through, I will be doing some slight cleanup of delinquent pledges. Only a few really, so no worries to anyone. ^_^

In other news, I will be changing a few things regarding the Patreon rewards, just a little bit. I will also be starting a weekly column here for creating info and story of the characters in the Cup O' Love series.

Last bit of news; I will be doing some moving in the next 2 weeks so you may not see as much of me online as normal. The first comic page will prbably be started on Sunday and finished sometime in the next week as well. Hope thats ok with everyone, because I know the comic is a bit slow at the moment and Patreon content seems a bit lacking, I apologize for that part. I will be finding a more suitable work schedule for everything so hopefully by October I will have a huge amount of updates on the daily!

So yeah, thats everything I can think of right now, and remember if you ever have any questions or comments or feedback, please please PLEASE feel free to share them with me! I am totally open to talking with everyone!

Later peeps!



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