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Hey everyone!

Going to be doing weekly schedules again and get things started off right this year!


Monday - Commissions (streaming)

Tuesday - Hardwired (streaming)

Wednesday - Cup O' Love (streaming)

Thursday - New Comic Concept Development (streaming)

Friday - Sequoia State game animations (streaming)

Saturday - Rest

 Sunday - Commissions (streaming)


Will be putting up new pages of Hardwired and start to wrap it up this month as well.

Finally getting back to Cup O' Love again! 

Also starting working on some new comic ideas I have, including the next exclusive comic as well as a mini-comic which will become a regular addition to my lineup!

Going to get some more work done on the Sequoia State visual novel that I'm working on with Hizzacked. There are also some more announcements regarding that coming soon....

I will be streaming more regularly as well and hopefully, keep me on track with a timely release schedule more often.

Lastly, there will only be one commission stream each week this month (aside from this first week)

That's it for the update! Hope you all had a god winter break and holidays!

Love you all!


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